Make Camelizer shortcut easier to press
I’ve given up booze, fags, biscuits and many other things that make life worth living, so my New Year’s resolutions are less exciting these days. One of them is to change my favourite three-key shortcuts to two. Stretching across the keyboard to perform some of those three-key shortcuts requires double-jointed fingers and thumbs.
I was reminded of this when I read your recommendation of The Camelizer extension (Issue 698, page 43, www.snipca.com/53148). I use this all the time to find bargains on Amazon. When visiting a product page, you can press Alt+Shift+C to see how prices have changed. My fingers can’t manage that awkward shortcut, however, so I’ve changed it to an easier two-key version.
Click the Camelizer icon followed by the Settings cogblue link under Camelizer Keyboard Shortcut, which will take you to your browser’s settings. Find the extension then click the Edit pen icon ( in our screenshot below left) and press the shortcut you want. I’ve chosen Ctrl+M , which doesn’t seem to be in use by anything else. Now I can press Ctrl easily with my left hand and M with my right.