4K Video with a resolution of at least 3840x2160 pixels.
7z A format for compressing files into an archive format.
8K Video with a resolution of 7680x4320 pixels. Currently the highest resolution available.
Administrator Someone who can make changes to a computer that will affect others who also use it.
AES-256bit Advanced Encryption Standard. A form of encryption based on a key length of 256 bits.
AR Augmented reality. Lets you view the real world on a screen and add virtual elements.
ASHA American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Bandwidth A measure of how much data can be transferred through a connection at one time.
Beamforming A technique for microphones to pick up on specific sources of sound and reduce background noise.
Benchmarking Comparing software and products with an accepted standard.
BIN Compressed binary files, typically CD and DVD backup image files.
Security feature in