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CQ Amateur Radio


With Solar Cycle 25 in full swing and the contests of the last three months spurring activity, I am hearing a lot of Australian (VK) stations on the air lately. Maybe the pandemic woke them up or simply the new solar cycle. With that in mind, I will cover awards available for the VK area. The great part is the awards are supported by the Wireless Institute of Australia <>.

To keep it simple for reading, I will list all awards and how to submit for the awards offered.

• DXCC Multi-mode (Open, CW, Phone, Digital) (See Figure 1)

• DXCC Single-band (all nine HF bands)

• DXCC Multi-band (3, 5, 7, and 9 HF bands)

• Grid Square

• VHF/UHF Century Club

• Antarctic

• Worked All VK States VHF

• Worked All VK Call Areas HF

• Heard All VK Call Areas HF

• Worked All VK Call Areas VHF

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