What is Electronics Engineering Technology (EET)?
Electronics engineering technology, sometimes shortened to EET, is a great opportunity for those who want to work in the fast-paced world of advanced manufacturing. Here’s some more information about what someone in an EET program would study, what kind of job they would do, and what skills you need to succeed in this environment.
What is EET, exactly?
Electronics engineering technology is all around us in the modern world. As the design, testing, and manufacturing of electrical or electronics systems, EET is responsible for modern-era items such as media players, like DVD players or VCRs, video game systems, and even mobile phones came into being using some of this technology. It’s clear you can create a wide variety of items.
But creation isn’t the only facet of being a technologist. You could find yourself working with engineers to design, test, and retest these items to make sure they are ready for consumers. Working with a production or technology from its inception to its release gives a technologist the ability to see the entire process from someone having an idea to a customer picking up a finished product at a store. A great experience for someone who enjoys working with their hands and having a part in the creation of a device.
How does EET apply to the real world?
While some aspects of science are mainly theoretical and others can only be applied in the most distant of senses, EET gives individuals the opportunity to work on a product or electronic device and see the item through every step of the process. Some technologists repair advanced manufacturing machines, also giving them a chance to work with their hands and see a machine that was malfunctioning light up and be ready to go.
What will I get out of a formal education in EET?
Simply put, you can’t expect to go far in this field without formal education. Employers generally want someone with a degree and a little bit of hands-on experience, such as an externship, when they begin. Here are some skills commonly taught in the EET program.
- Digital systems
- Electric circuits
- Data Communications and Networking
- Software Logic and Design
But education isn’t all you need to become a technologist. You also need some qualities to make sure you’re easy to work with. Most technologists work in teams, and soft skills are important to make sure your team works cohesively and quickly to accomplish your goals.
- Writing skills: Lots of your communication with your team and with other departments in your company will be through writing. You need to know how to write about your most recent findings and your suggestions on how to fix issues for people who are experts like you and those who are not.
- Attention to detail: There’s no denying that manufacturing a new product or repairing machines can be complicated. You have to be able to follow each logical process that has been laid out and, if something doesn’t work, be able to figure out what piece, no matter how small, is causing the issue.
- Math skills: If you turn in a sheet of measurements or test results to the head engineer, you have to be sure that you recorded the measurements correctly and calculated the test results accurately. Being able to use basic and higher level math skills will be necessity in your line of work.
Are you interested in a degree in electronics engineering technology? If you are thinking about earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electronics Engineering Technology, ECPI University offers this degree program at an accelerated rate, students could graduate in as little as 2.5 for a bachelor’s degree. For more information on this exciting path, connect with a friendly admissions representative today.
It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!
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