Typonglish is a hip new language
that was formed from the the typo. Typos are part of corporate America
as much as water coolers and cubicles. Have you ever got caught in embarrassing
situation with the typo? Like you emailed your boss, "I have to ass
you something later?" Well you will never have these embarrassing
time with Typonglish. Its neat and fun. It's Typonglish.
amy = suck
and = nad
ask = ass
bud = butt
cups = cubs
duck = fuck
dud = dude
fell = feel
Ho = home
intentional = international
like = lick
lube = hube
moron = moroni
peanuts = penis
picture = pitcher
plate = plane
postato = potato
run = rum
shit = shin
showed = showered
z = pee
Some Typonglish in use . . .
- When I think fun at the old ballpark
- I think salty penis and an ice cold butt
- I am gonna eat a plane of penis and
postatos, drink a bud. I will fell like shin. dud. And crazy things
will come out of
my bud
- Hube up your peanuts and stick it in
my ask