Altum Flora Discus, Burgundy Base

Altum Flora Discus, Burgundy Base


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Distinguished and striking, the majestic Altum Flora Discus- Burgundy base offers an elaborate black-and-white stained pattern, giving it the impression of it being the “newspaper” of fish, with it being, intriguingly and comically, both black and white, and read all over. Only that unlike recycled printed paper, this multi-toned turquoise fish leaves an indelible impression on the viewer, both knowledgeable collector, and novice enthusiast equally. Perfect to complement the home or office.

SKU: altum-flora-discus-burgundy-base Categories: ,

1 review for Altum Flora Discus, Burgundy Base

    Altum Flora Discus, Burgundy Base photo reviewAltum Flora Discus, Burgundy Base photo review
    Pam S., Gibbon, MN (Verified Customer) 12/12/2017
    May 31, 2019
    I found you very informative about the fish and the fish are beautiful and when I’m ready for more I would definitely come back to you. Thank you for ...More

    I found you very informative about the fish and the fish are beautiful and when I’m ready for more I would definitely come back to you. Thank you for everything Pam

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