Academic Studies Press (ASP) is an independent scholarly and trade publisher based in Brookline, Massachusetts founded in 2007. The press's core publishing program focuses on advancing knowledge and understanding in the humanities and social sciences with an emphasis on Jewish Studies, Slavic Studies, and the cultural and historical intersections of the two disciplines. ASP regularly publishes between 50-60 English-language titles annually with a current catalog of over 550 titles ranging from original monographs, edited collections, course readers, literary companions, and crossover titles. Volumes are generally published under one of ASP's 40+ English-language themed series. The press also publishes actively in both Russian and Ukrainian and maintains a robust open access program, ASP Open.
ASP also distributes titles for Plamen Press, an independent publishing house based in Washington DC that focuses on publishing the most influential writers and poets from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe in English-language translation.
- Architecture and Design
- Arts
- Business and Economics
- Business Management
- Key Competences in Scholarly Research
- Political Economics
- Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Cultural Theory
- Genres and Media in Cultural Studies
- Media Studies
- Topics in Cultural Studies
- Engineering
- General Interest
- Geosciences
- History
- Historical Periods
- Miscellaneous
- Regional and National History
- Theories, Methods, and Auxiliary Sciences
- Topics in History
- Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
- Interreligious Studies
- Language and Literature
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Text and Exegesis
- Jewish Studies
- Law
- Library and Information Science, Book Studies
- Libraries and Library Science
- Publishing and Book Trade
- Life Sciences
- Linguistics and Semiotics
- Literary Studies
- Anglo-American Literature
- Comparative Literary Studies
- Literary Genres and Media
- Literary Studies, general
- Literature of other Nations and Languages
- Topics in Literary Studies
- Medicine
- Music
- Philosophy
- Aesthetics
- Ethics
- History of Philosophy
- Philosophy of Religion
- Philosophy, other
- Political Philosophy and Social Philosophy
- Selected Philosophers
- Selected Philosophical Movements
- Social Sciences
- Anthropology
- Education
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Social Sciences, other
- Sociology
- Theology and Religion
All Business and Economics
All Cultural Studies
All History
All Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
All Library and Information Science, Book Studies
All Literary Studies
All Philosophy
All Social Sciences
- Allgemein
- Altertumswissenschaften
- Altorientalistik und Vorderasiatische Archäologie
- Klassische Altertumswissenschaften
- Architektur und Design
- Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, Buchwissenschaft
- Bibliothekswesen, Bibliothekswissenschaft
- Verlagswesen und Buchhandel
- Biologie
- Geowissenschaften
- Geschichte
- Diverses
- Historische Epochen
- Regionale und nationale Geschichte
- Themen der Geschichte
- Theorien, Methoden, Historische Hilfswissenschaften
- Islam- und Nahostwissenschaft
- Interreligiöse Studien
- Philosophie
- Politik
- Sprache und Literatur
- Text und Exegese
- Jüdische Studien
- Kulturwissenschaften
- Ausgewählte Themen in den Kulturwissenschaften
- Gattungen und Medien
- Kulturtheorie
- Medienwissenschaften
- Kunst
- Linguistik und Semiotik
- Literaturwissenschaft
- Anglo-Amerikanische Literatur
- Ausgewählte Themen der Literaturwissenschaft
- Gattungen und Medien
- Komparatistik, Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft
- Literaturen anderer Länder und Spachen
- Literaturwissenschaft, allgemein
- Medizin
- Musik
- Philosophie
- Ausgewählte Philosophen
- Einzelne philosophische Strömungen
- Ethik
- Philosophie, andere
- Philosophiegeschichte
- Politische Philosophie und Sozialphilosophie
- Religionsphilosophie
- Ästhetik
- Rechtswissenschaften
- Int. Recht, Auslands-, Völkerrecht, Rechtsvergleichung
- Rechtswissenschaften, andere
- Sozialwissenschaften
- Anthropologie
- Politikwissenschaften
- Psychologie
- Pädagogik
- Sozialwissenschaften, andere
- Soziologie
- Technik
- Theologie und Religion
- Allgemeines und Rezeptionsgeschichte der Bibel
- Altes Testament / Altorientalistik
- Judaistik
- Religionswissenschaften
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Alles in Altertumswissenschaften
Alles in Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, Buchwissenschaft
Alles in Geschichte
Alles in Islam- und Nahostwissenschaft
Alles in Kulturwissenschaften
Alles in Literaturwissenschaft
Alles in Philosophie
Alles in Rechtswissenschaften
Alles in Sozialwissenschaften
Alles in Theologie und Religion
Newest titles
Other partner publishers
- Amsterdam University Press
- Association of Canadian University Presses
- Berghahn Books
- Boydell & Brewer
- Bristol University Press
- Central European University Press
- Channel View Publications
- Columbia University Press
- Cornell University Press
- Duke University Press
- Edinburgh University Press
- EDP Sciences
- Fordham University Press
- Gorgias Press
- Gütersloher Verlagshaus
- Harvard University Press
- Iberoamericana Vervuert
- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Publishing
- Lynne Rienner Publishers
- Manchester University Press
- Multilingual Matters
- New York University Press
- Penn State University Press
- Princeton University Press
- Rutgers University Press