The paper presents the study of quantum mechanics of a free particle with the constraints in the phase space, the canonical equations, which are the geometrical constraints of Friedmann type. It has been proved that the constraints can imitate force. As well as in quantum geometrodynamics with Logunov constraints, in quantum mechanics with constraints time does not vanish
1 Introduction
In the first formulation of Mach’s principle, it is stated that inertial frames of reference in the whole space are connected with the distribution of matter in the Universe. It should be noted that to the first approximation the inertial coordinate system is spatially connected not with the absolute space, but with the motionless sky of stars. Along with that, the absolute space is the abstraction which cannot be revealed empirically. Moreover, according to Mach, Newton’s first law can have a limited value only. The latter statement is considered to be false. In work [1], it is demonstrated that in geometrodynamics at a quantum level, the law of inertia of a Planck particle is substantially modified in the quantum epoch of the Universe evolution. The Planck particle left to itself, acting upon itself gravitationally, moves in superspace-time non-uniformly and without being in a quiescent state. It means that the Mach’s principle concerning the limited value of Newton’s first law is correct.
In quantum geometrodynamics [2–15] based on the general theory of relativity, time vanishes. Inevitability of time vanishing can be often explained by the fact that time cannot be correlated with the operator. In this respect in works [16–18], it is demonstrated that in quantum theory if − ∞ < E < +∞ and while E1 ≤ E ≤ E2 for the systems with a continuum energy spectrum, a self-adjoint time operator
The identical Hamiltonian equality to zero gives rise to the problem of time in quantum geometrodynamics based on general relativity theory (GRT). In the latter, time is either introduced quasi-classically (the Dirac–Wheeler–De Witt approach) or using a gauge condition (the Arnowitt–Deser–Misner approach based on the reduction to physical variables for which the Hamiltonian is nonzero) setting the reference system, which leads to the following problems: physical predictions may depend on the choice of the gauge condition; there arises a gravitational analog of the problem of Gribov copies, the latter does not allow us to use time-setting gaging in the entire superspace. The quasi-classical way of introducing time, however, physically implies that the gravitation background plays the function of time variable, the quantum properties of the background being neglected, and the material fields alone being quantized. Within the Dirac–Wheeler–De Witt formalism, the absence of positive certainty of the scalar product makes the possibility for probabilistic interpretation of the wave function difficult.
In quantum geometrodynamics based on relativistic theory of gravitation with Logunov constraints
there occurs the following equation possessing reparametrizing invariance with respect to the class of replacement of the time coordinate x0:
the corollary of which is the dependence of Ψ on the physical time
For a uniform isotropic constant scalar field with the potential energy density U (ϕ) = U0 < 0 the gravitational analog of the stationary Schrödinger equation becomes
To reveal special features of the physical content of the model, the above gravitational analog of the Schrödinger equation can be written as a Dirac condition
The effective potential of the gravitational analog of the stationary Schrödinger equation written in the form of a Dirac one exhibits an extraordinary property due its parametric dependence on the energy E. ForE > 0, U0 > 0 the potential is the barrier W (a, E) =
On this basis the Wheeler program extended to time and allowing determination of mass without mass, charge without charge, spin without spin, time without time has been realized on the geometrodynamical basis, taking no account of the features of topological character. With the help of the Dirac procedure for extracting the root of the Hamiltonian operator of the free gravitational field a quantum geometrodynamics with fractional spin in flat superspace-time can be constructed. The charge and time are born in the process of the Planckian particle tunneling through the potential barrier in superspace. The problem formulated by Einstein concerning determination of the inertial mass using the curvature of the effective Riemann spacetime due to the constant scalar field has been solved. For the flat Universe the Mach principle has been revived as follows: if there is no constant scalar field (there is no curvature of the effective Riemann space) – there is no inertial mass [5].
In this respect we consider the influence of gravitational constraints on the law of inertia at a classical and quantum levels and on the problem of time in the usual quantum mechanics.
2 Classical and quantum inertia with constraints
The influence of the constraints Friedmann type
For the investigation the variational calculus is applied. From the action extremum condition with constraints δS = 0 Lagrange equation follows
where Lagrange function is L (x, x’) =
The solution of the system of equations (1) with hyperbolic constraints is infinite and takes the form
It should be also noted that if the variable x is equal to a scale factor a and the constant of integration which has a frequency dimension H0 (ħ = c = 1) is equal to the Hubble value
While v0 = c, these equations are equal to Friedmann equations, where c is the speed of light. In the general theory of relativity, the case k = 0 corresponds to the flat Universe, k = ± 1 corresponds to the closed and open Universe. Inertial constraint
Let us consider the dynamics of a free particle with elliptic constraint φ (x, x′) =
The solution of the system (2, 3) is finite x =
For the elliptical constraint, the Hamiltonian corresponds to the constraints and is equal to
It should be noted that for the hyperbolic constraints the value of the path curvature inverse of the radius of the circle of curvature in the phase space is nonzero
Since equality (4) H = 0 is equivalent to equality h = E, then from the expression (4), the unsteady-state equation follows
The solution of equation (5) and the condition for quantization have a known form
where N0 – normalization constant, Hn (ξ) – Hermitian polynomial,
For the hyperbolic constraints
so that in this case the potential term of geometric origin determined by the hyperbolic constraint
In this case, quantum phenomena can occur as well. For example, a barrier equation (6) takes place in the theory of particle production from vacuum by intensive homogeneous electric field. Functions (7) essentially coincide with the solutions leading to Klein paradox. It implies that the current of the passing particles is higher than the current of the falling particles by the potential barrier with the height > 2m0c2. The exceedance of current, mentioned by Klein, is determined by the increase of the whole number of the particles as a result of pair production by the field of the barrier.
This process is investigated within the field theory [19]. In case of the potential barrier, equation (6) in dimensionless variables takes the form
The solutions of equation (7) are the function of parabolic cylinder
For the equation
the solutions take the form
For the function of the parabolic cylinder there is a relation
The scalar product of such solutions is the Wronskian determinant
so, that if
The asymptotics of a function
This means that the function
From the asymptotics of the functions of a parabolic cylinder it follows that (±)Ψ (ξ) =
The similar conditions are also for the functions (±)Ψ(ξ).
There are the following relations for these solutions
From normalization conditions
The relations similar to (10 - 12) can be obtained for the creation operator
From the normalization conditions with account of (9), it follows that the normalization factor is Nν =
The average number of scalar particle pairs generated from the vacuum state
Therefore, the average number of pairs generated per unit time
3 Conclusion
In case of the constraint
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