Periodic table
The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, ordered by their atomic number (number of protons), electron configurations, and recurring chemical properties. This ordering shows periodic trends, such as elements with similar behaviour in the same column. It also shows four rectangular blocks with some approximately similar chemical properties. In general, within one row (period) the elements are metals on the left, and non-metals on the right.
Chemistry chart: periodic table of the elements
File types:
PDF (1.6 MB),
DOC (565.5 KB)
Number of pages: 2
Colored periodic table - American spelllings
File types:
DOC (109.7 KB),
PDF (66.9 KB)
Number of pages: 1
Periodic table - B/W American spellings
File types:
DOC (156.7 KB),
PDF (52.8 KB)
Number of pages: 1
Basic periodic table - black and white
File types:
DOC (158.2 KB),
PDF (53.4 KB)
Number of pages: 1
Lockout / tagout periodic inspection form
File types:
DOC (110.0 KB),
PDF (82.7 KB)
Number of pages: 2
Lockout / tagout periodic inspection form
File types:
DOC (74.0 KB),
PDF (152.0 KB)
Number of pages: 1
Landlord tenant residential eviction notices (Florida)
File types:
DOC (76.0 KB),
PDF (207.7 KB)
Number of pages: 13
360-degree feedback form template
File types:
DOC (48.0 KB),
PDF (113.7 KB)
Number of pages: 2
COBRA election / refusal form
File types:
DOC (37.5 KB),
PDF (136.1 KB)
Number of pages: 2
Discipline documentation form
File types:
DOC (27.0 KB),
PDF (131.1 KB)
Number of pages: 1
Educational interpreter appraisal form
File types:
DOC (53.5 KB),
PDF (56.2 KB)
Number of pages: 3
Accommodation approval form
File types:
DOC (46.0 KB),
PDF (38.0 KB)
Number of pages: 1
New hire orientation feedback form
File types:
DOC (43.0 KB),
PDF (147.2 KB)
Number of pages: 4
Beneficiary designation form
File types:
DOC (96.5 KB),
PDF (622.5 KB)
Number of pages: 3
Spousal surcharge acknowledgement
File types:
DOC (87.5 KB),
PDF (418.0 KB)
Number of pages: 2
Sample religious exemption certification form
File types:
DOC (39.5 KB),
PDF (126.2 KB)
Number of pages: 1
Working at heights sample permit
File types:
DOC (125.0 KB),
PDF (477.5 KB)
Number of pages: 4
Certification of completion of premarital preparation course (South Carolina)
File types:
DOC (44.5 KB),
PDF (108.5 KB)
Number of pages: 1
End to end testing procedure
File types:
DOC (244.5 KB),
PDF (530.8 KB)
Number of pages: 10
Temporary guardianship form
File types:
DOC (156.0 KB),
PDF (430.5 KB)
Number of pages: 4
Operational manual template
File types:
DOC (122.0 KB),
PDF (419.8 KB)
Number of pages: 4
Instruction manual template
File types:
DOC (28.5 KB),
PDF (502.3 KB)
Number of pages: 3
Certification of origin template
File types:
DOC (101.0 KB),
PDF (432.1 KB)
Number of pages: 3
Individual notary acknowledgement (Florida)
File types:
DOC (27.5 KB),
PDF (6.6 KB)
Number of pages: 1
RPAS operations manual template
File types:
DOC (67.0 KB),
PDF (553.4 KB)
Number of pages: 12
Contact information template
File types:
DOC (42.0 KB),
PDF (236.3 KB)
Number of pages: 1
Personnel information form
File types:
DOC (53.0 KB),
PDF (270.4 KB)
Number of pages: 2
Applicant screening form - telephone
File types:
DOC (37.5 KB),
PDF (35.4 KB)
Number of pages: 3
Targeted tuberculin, IGRA testing screening form
File types:
DOC (162.5 KB),
PDF (158.2 KB)
Number of pages: 3
Aviation accident investigation template
File types:
DOC (78.5 KB),
PDF (205.8 KB)
Number of pages: 10
Gender affirming surgery template (United States)
File types:
DOC (27.5 KB),
PDF (148.9 KB)
Number of pages: 2
Confined space university entry permit
File types:
DOC (62.0 KB),
PDF (33.0 KB)
Number of pages: 1
All-purpose acknowledgement (California)
File types:
DOC (29.0 KB),
PDF (40.2 KB)
Number of pages: 1
Notification of sue form A (Europe)
File types:
DOC (124.5 KB),
PDF (124.1 KB)
Number of pages: 3
Abandonment of easement (North Carolina)
File types:
DOC (35.5 KB),
PDF (77.7 KB)
Number of pages: 5