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Fontana à  von Pixel Sagas 
 64.398 Downloads (3 gestern)   Kostenlos für privaten Gebrauch - 4 Font-Dateien
Fontana Italic.otf
Fontana Bold.otf
Fontana Bold Italic.otf
Anmerkung des Autors
Fontana is based on the Pocket Books titling for their Star Trek novels through the 1970s and most of the 1980s. Includes accent characters, extended punctuation, and Euro. Includes bold and italic versions. "Fontana" is named after DC Fontana, one of Star Trek's most prolific authors.

Version 1.10 - 2 May 2016
* Minor glyph fixes
* Updating kerning and spacing
* Added polish characters

Zuerst auf DaFont erschienen: 24.05.2011 - Aktualisiert: 03.06.2016

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Links:  On snot and fonts