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Showing latest 50 of 9,789 images tagged with subject:Construction tag.

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SU8760 : Delivering the cement hopper, construction of Pembroke House, Camberley by Rich Tea Delivering the cement hopper, construction of Pembroke House, Camberley by Rich Tea
geograph for square SU8760
The tower crane on the construction site lowers the hopper towards the far side... (more)
SU8760 : Filling the cement hopper, construction of Pembroke House, Camberley by Rich Tea Filling the cement hopper, construction of Pembroke House, Camberley by Rich Tea
geograph for square SU8760
The tower crane has lowered the hopper, and the cement is being discharged into... (more)
SU8760 : Lowering the cement hopper, construction of Pembroke House, Camberley by Rich Tea Lowering the cement hopper, construction of Pembroke House, Camberley by Rich Tea
geograph for square SU8760
The tower crane on the construction site lowers the hopper towards a ready-mixed... (more)
J3784 : New dual carriageway, Greenisland (May 2015) by Albert Bridge New dual carriageway, Greenisland (May 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
The start of the off-line section of the new road at Greenisland – looking ready... (more)
SE6350 : Indoor air quality housing lab construction by DS Pugh Indoor air quality housing lab construction by DS Pugh
geograph for square SE6350
Construction of an indoor air quality research facility has now commenced, and... (more)
Tags: subject:Construction   top:Educational SitesX   type:GeographX  
J3373 : Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer Belfast Great Victoria Street Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J3373
Belfast Great Victoria Street as viewed from the Boyne Bridge - this closed... (more)
J3470 : The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(6) by Albert Bridge The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast - February 2018(6) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The lock site is at the same level as the tennis courts (middle right - reached... (more)
J3470 : The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - February 2018(1) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - February 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The towpath, near the weir, looking towards Shaw’s Bridge and Lisburn. Part of... (more)
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - May 2015(5) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - May 2015(5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The extension, under construction, seen from the railway footbridge.
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2014(6) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2014(6) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The glazed bar and public area, on the northern side, with plastic sheeting... (more)
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2014(3) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2014(3) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
Drilling at the waterfront (eastern side) of the hall.
NT1082 : Long trailer and cruise ship 'Black Watch' at Rosyth by M J Richardson Long trailer and cruise ship 'Black Watch' at Rosyth by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT1082
The trailer is presumably capable of carrying quite heavy loads during... (more)
NT1082 : Heavy trailer at the Port of Rosyth by M J Richardson Heavy trailer at the Port of Rosyth by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT1082
At a guess this 72-wheeled trailer is used for moving large parts of the road... (more)
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - July 2014(1) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - July 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The hall seen from the railway bridge across the Lagan. Traditionally all... (more)
NS5068 : Construction site by Richard Sutcliffe Construction site by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS5068
Construction site for Yoker Quay - a housing development by Turnberry Homes.
Tags: subject:Construction   subject:Construction SiteX   top:Construction, DevelopmentX   type:GeographX  
SJ9004 : Construction of warehouse at i54 Business Park by TCExplorer Construction of warehouse at i54 Business Park by TCExplorer
for square SJ9004
Construction of a new warehouse at the i54 Business Park on behalf of Morris Property.
J3574 : Construction site, Belfast by Rossographer Construction site, Belfast by Rossographer
for square J3574
The latest from the Olympic House construction in Belfast, following on from... (more)
J3574 : Construction site, Belfast by Rossographer Construction site, Belfast by Rossographer
for square J3574
The latest from the Olympic House construction in Belfast, following on from J3574 : Construction site, Belfast.
SO8551 : Construction of the new Carrington Bridge by Philip Halling Construction of the new Carrington Bridge by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8551
Construction of the new Carrington Bridge part of the work to dual the A4440,... (more)
SO8451 : Construction site on Worcester's southern relief road by Philip Halling Construction site on Worcester's southern relief road by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8451
Construction site on Worcester's southern relief road beside the newly... (more)
SO8451 : Construction site on Worcester's southern relief road by Philip Halling Construction site on Worcester's southern relief road by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8451
Construction site on Worcester's southern relief road beside the newly... (more)
SK9670 : Valentine Court and a new construction site, Lincoln by Oliver Mills Valentine Court and a new construction site, Lincoln by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK9670
Valentine Court is student accommodation. The construction site on the right,... (more)
TQ2880 : Former US Embassy Building, Grosvenor Square by PAUL FARMER Former US Embassy Building, Grosvenor Square by PAUL FARMER
geograph for square TQ2880
SO8551 : Constructing a bridge on Worcester's southern relief road by Philip Halling Constructing a bridge on Worcester's southern relief road by Philip Halling
for square SO8551
Constructing a bridge over the River Severn on Worcester's southern relief road.
J3373 : Nos 5-7 Brunswick Street, Belfast (June 2018) by Albert Bridge Nos 5-7 Brunswick Street, Belfast (June 2018) by Albert Bridge
for square J3373
A rig, for test bores, seen through a peep hole.
SU8760 : Construction of Pembroke House, Pembroke Broadway, Camberley by Rich Tea Construction of Pembroke House, Pembroke Broadway, Camberley by Rich Tea
geograph for square SU8760
See from Room 211 of Camberley Central Travelodge hotel.
Tags: subject:Care HomeX   top:City, Town CentreX   subject:Construction   subject:Nursing HomeX   top:Public Buildings and SpacesX   TravelodgeX   subject:Travelodge HotelX  
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - February 2016(2) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - February 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The view from the railway footbridge. The final touches are being applied to... (more)
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - January 2016(2) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - January 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Work is continuing inside the building.
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast (January 2016) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast (January 2016) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Weekend work underway on the extension. This view is from Oxford Street, across... (more)
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2015(6) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2015(6) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
Work continuing on the eastern (Lagan) side of the building.
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2015(4) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2015(4) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
A night photograph of the eastern (Lagan) side of the extension. The internal... (more)
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2015(3) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2015(3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The south eastern side of the building.
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2015(1) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
A general view of the extension, as work proceeds to complete the cladding,... (more)
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - October 2015(3) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - October 2015(3) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The eastern (Lagan) side of the building. Saturday working today.
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - October 2015(2) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - October 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The south eastern end of the building.
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - October 2015(1) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - October 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The eastern (Lagan) side of the building where work is continuing on the glazing... (more)
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - August 2015 (6) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - August 2015 (6) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The eastern (Lagan) side of the building seen from the railway footbridge.
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - August 2015 (5) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - August 2015 (5) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The last of the cladding now underway on the south east of the building.
NT1179 : The Queensferry Crossing by PAUL FARMER The Queensferry Crossing by PAUL FARMER
geograph for square NT1179
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - June 2015(6) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - June 2015(6) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Work progressing, on the extension, at the northern side of the hall.
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - June 2015(4) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - June 2015(4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Cladding proceeding along the eastern (Lagan) side of the building.
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - May 2015(7) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - May 2015(7) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
The extension seen from the railway footbridge.
J3784 : Roadworks, Greenisland (May 2015) by Albert Bridge Roadworks, Greenisland (May 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3784
See J3784 : New dual carriageway, Greenisland (May 2015). The temporary arrangements at the Shore Road end. The new... (more)
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - December 2014(2) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - December 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3474
The south eastern side of the hall where brick panels have been removed. So far... (more)
NT1179 : 'Hanne Theresa' passing the central tower of the new bridge by M J Richardson 'Hanne Theresa' passing the central tower of the new bridge by M J Richardson
for square NT1179
A small chemical/oil tanker on its way to Grangemouth from Rotterdam. The tower... (more)
NT1279 : Port Edgar Marina by M J Richardson Port Edgar Marina by M J Richardson
for square NT1279
With the southernmost tower for the new Queensferry Crossing rising out of the... (more)
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2014(4) by Albert Bridge The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2014(4) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3474
Dismantling the glazed bar and public areas on the north eastern side of the building.
NT1178 : Queensferry Crossing Approach Viaduct by M J Richardson Queensferry Crossing Approach Viaduct by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT1178
Crossing Society Road. See NT1178 : Spanning Society Road for an earlier image from near the same place.
NT1179 : Watch this space! by M J Richardson Watch this space! by M J Richardson
for square NT1179
In a year or so the towers will be connected by the roadway of the new... (more)
NT1280 : The Mid and South Towers by M J Richardson The Mid and South Towers by M J Richardson
geograph for square NT1280
The Mid Tower, on Beamer Rock, and the South Tower offshore at Queensferry are... (more)
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