High Actonmill (ruin)
by Andrew Curtis
geograph for square NY9753
The ruin of High Actonmill is in the same field as the ruin named Acton Mill but... (more)
Ruin near site of Acton High Mill
by Andrew Curtis
geograph for square NY9753
The ruin is named as Acton Mill on the first edition OS map (1865).
The OS... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Abbey ruins (2)
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square TL8564
Looking towards the cathedral across the abbey ruins, specifically those to the... (more)
Ruined buildings of East Cameron
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4683
Category: Ruins
The first-edition OS map (surveyed about 1860) shows both of these buildings as... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Abbey of St Edmund - Dovecote
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square TL8564
The dovecote of the former Abbey of St Edmund is one of the more complete... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Abbey ruins (1)
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square TL8564
A view across some of the lower-lying ruins of the former Abbey of St Edmund.... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Abbey ruins - Within the Presbytery
by Rob Farrow
for square TL8564
Inside the Presbytery of the former Abbey of St Edmund. This was the easternmost... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Abbey ruins - View over Presbytery
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square TL8564
This view is looking across the former presbytery of the great abbey church of... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Abbey ruins and cathedral
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square TL8564
Looking through some of the extensive ruins of the former Abbey of St Edmund to... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Abbey church ruins and Millennium Tower
by Rob Farrow
for square TL8564
The ruins seen directly ahead are part of what remains of the original Abbey... (more)
The ruins of St Serf's Church
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3975
Category: Church (ruined)
A ruin on Cameron Muir
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4783
Category: Ruins
A ruin on Cameron Muir
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4783
Category: Ruins
East Cameron: south-eastern ruin
by Lairich Rig
for square NS4683
Category: Ruins
East Cameron: south-eastern ruin
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4683
Category: Ruins
East Cameron: south-eastern ruin (detail)
by Lairich Rig
for square NS4683
Category: Ruins
East Cameron: south-eastern ruin
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4683
Category: Ruins
East Cameron: north-western ruin (detail)
by Lairich Rig
for square NS4683
Category: Ruins
Remains of a lime-kiln
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4178
Category: Lime kilns
This is a view of the eleventh (see the list below) of twelve visited lime-kiln... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Abbey church - looking across the transepts
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square TL8564
Taken from the southern end of the former South Transept looking across to the... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Abbey church - remains of North Transept
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square TL8564
Looking from what was the nave of the Abbey Church at the remains of the North... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Chapel of the Charnel (Southern side)
by Rob Farrow
for square TL8564
Many monuments have been built into the walls of this C13th former Charnel House... (more)
Bury St Edmunds - Chapel of the Charnel (Northern side)
by Rob Farrow
geograph for square TL8564
The remains of the former Charnel House of the Abbey.
Dating from the late... (more)
St Serf's Church: Dixons' Memorial Tablet
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3975
For a view in context, showing this tablet at the eastern end-wall of the ruin,... (more)
East Cameron: old field boundaries
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4683
East Cameron: end of narrow structure
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4683
East Cameron: old field boundary
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4683
This is a view to the south-east along a low ridge, the remains of an old field... (more)
Remains of an ancient farmhouse
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4277
Category: Farm (ruined)
This long-abandoned farmstead does not appear, even as a ruin, on the... (more)
East Cameron: end of narrow structure
by Lairich Rig
for square NS4683
Category: Enclosure
East Cameron: corner of enclosure
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4683
Category: Enclosure
East Cameron: north-western ruin
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4683
Category: Ruins
East Cameron: north-western ruin
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4683
Category: Ruins
Ruins of Carman Cottage
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS3779
Category: Ruins
Click on the end-note title for other views of the ruin.
For an indication of... (more)
The ruins of St Serf's Church
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3975
Category: Church
St Serf's was the old Parish Church of Cardross (the Parish of Cardross is... (more)
Ruined church near Easton, Isle of Portland
by Malc McDonald
geograph for square SY6971
The ruins of St. Andrew's Church on the Isle of Portland. More information... (more)
Remains of a lime-kiln
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4177
This is a view of the second of twelve visited lime-kiln ruins in this area (the... (more)
Remains of a lime-kiln
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4177
This is the fourth of twelve former lime-kiln sites that are located along a... (more)
Ruined structure beside the River Leven
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3977
Ruined structure beside the River Leven
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3977
Ruin: detail
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3977
Ruined structure beside the River Leven
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS3977
The former site of Hill of Garshake Farm
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4276
Battle Abbey ruin
by Malc McDonald
geograph for square TQ7415
Dark clouds forming over the ruin of Battle Abbey. The abbey was built at the... (more)
Ruins of Faslane Chapel
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS2489
In this view, the near wall is the western end. Remains of two lancet windows... (more)
Old field boundary
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4684
In the right-hand side of this picture, it is possible to pick out a linear... (more)
East Cameron: old field boundary
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS4683
The ruins of Letrualt
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS2587
The ruins of several buildings can be found in this area; the one shown in this... (more)
Leiston Abbey ruins
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TM4464
Remains of a turbine house
by Lairich Rig
for square NS4276
Category: Turbine house
Ruin at site of old charcoal mill
by Lairich Rig
geograph for square NS7883
Category: Ruins