Donegall Place (after the fire), Belfast (September 2018)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
11.25 on a Saturday morning and not enough shoppers, visible, to fill a Glider... (more)
Ships, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
A view along the Victoria Channel in Belfast with three ships berthed at... (more)
Norwich Union House, Belfast - October 2019(1)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
The view from the Donegall Place end of Castle Street. The Bank Buildings site... (more)
Calvert House, Belfast (October 2019)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
Bus, Donegall Place, Belfast (June 2019)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
Donegall Place and Royal Avenue have re-opened to Metro buses.
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - March 2019(1)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
The covered walkway at Fountain Street. Norwich Union House is on the right.... (more)
Castle Street, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3374
Shipping containers on Castle Street in Belfast, placed as protection in case of... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - December 2018(5)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Inside the covered walkway connecting Donegall Place to Castle Place. The... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - December 2018(4)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
The entrance to the covered path connecting Donegall Place to Castle Place.... (more)
New Primark, Belfast - December 2018(2)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
The new Primark opened, in Castle Street, on 8 December 2018. Media reports... (more)
New Primark, Belfast - December 2018(1)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
The new Primark, on the old Commonwealth House site, is due to open on 8... (more)
Commonwealth House redevelopment, Belfast (August 2018)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
All scaffolding and protective coverings removed. Not, apparently, affected by... (more)
The 'ES Integrity' at Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3576
180m (34,512 DWT) Panamanian flagged bulk carrier 'ES Integrity'... (more)
Old Boundary Post, McArt's Fort
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3279
Old Belfast boundary post on top of McArt's Fort, Cave Hill, in Belfast.... (more)
Old Boundary Post, McArt's Fort
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3279
Old Belfast boundary post on top of McArt's Fort, Cave Hill, in Belfast.... (more)
Cyclists, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3575
Two cyclists (on Belfast hire bikes) at the Titanic Slipways in Belfast. The... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings), Belfast - June 2019(1)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
The view from Castle Place with all the surrounding barriers etc removed.... (more)
New Primark, Belfast (May 2019)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
The replacement for the fire-damaged Bank Buildings, now open in the former “New... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - March 2019(5)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
This walkway, between Castle Street and Donegall Place (behind me) opened on 26... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - March 2019(4)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
This walkway, between Castle Street and Donegall Place (background) opened on 26... (more)
Castle Junction bus stop, Belfast (March 2019)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Castle Place was often called “Castle Junction” in the days when Belfast had an... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - March 2019(3)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
The view, along Donegall Place, showing two of the three stacks of containers... (more)
Railway Bradbury Place/University Road, Belfast (February 2019)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3373
The covered railway, at Bradbury Place (background), from the University Road.... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - February 2019(2)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
The view from Donegall Place.
Primark, Donegall Place, Belfast - February 2019(1)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
The former “New Look” now being converted to a Primark to replace the... (more)
Fountain Street, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3374
Fountain Street looking towards Castle Street and the barrier preventing access... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - January 2019(3)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
The Castle Place side with much of the top floor removed for conservation.
"New Look", Fountain House, Belfast - January 2019(3)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Following a corporate insolvency, announced in early 2018, the New Look shop at... (more)
"New Look", Fountain House, Belfast - January 2019(2)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Following a corporate insolvency, announced in early 2018, the New Look shop at... (more)
"New Look", Fountain House, Belfast - January 2019(1)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Following a corporate insolvency, announced in early 2018, the New Look shop at... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - December 2018(9)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
A chimney and part of the balustrade have been removed for conservation and... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - December 2018(8)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
The covered walkway leading from Royal Avenue to Castle Place and Donegall Place.
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - December 2018(7)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
The Castle Lane entrance to the Castle Arcade, part of the Yellow Dot Trail,... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - December 2018(6)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
Double-stacked containers, across Castle Place, forming part of the safety... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - December 2018(3)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
The “Yellow Dot Trail” is a way of guiding people around around that part of the... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - December 2018(1)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Shipping containers at the Donegall Place end of Castle Place. They form part... (more)
Picnic tables and bulk carrier, Belfast harbour (November 2018)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3576
A picnic table, close to HMS “Caroline” overlooking the 190 metre bulk carrier... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - October 2018(3)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
Council information sign, at Castle Place, giving details of which businesses... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - October 2018(2)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
Castle Place - deserted even by the standards of a Sunday morning. The open-top... (more)
Donegall Place (after the fire), Belfast - October 2018(1)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
The eastern side, between Castle Lane and Castle Place. The southern part of... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - October 2018(1)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
The Castle Street side of the fire-damaged building. There are several... (more)
Donegall Place (after the fire), Belfast - September 2018(2)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
3.25 pm, close to Fountain Lane, looking towards the City Hall - very quiet. By... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - September 2018(6)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
The view from Donegall Place - still closed at its northern end.
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - September 2018(5)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
The view from Castle Place towards Castle Street. It’s not possible to see... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - September 2018(4)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
The barrier and information advertising across Donegall Place. The latest from... (more)
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - September 2018(1)
by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3374
The area closed, for safety reasons, has been reduced but the normal flow of... (more)
PSNI Land Rover, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3374
PSNI Land Rover on Royal Avenue, Belfast. One of a number of vehicles and... (more)
Fire Investigation Officers, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3374
Fire Investigation Officers at the scene of The Bank Buildings fire in Belfast.
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - August 2018(18)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
Fire officers’ cars at Castle Place.
Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast - August 2018(17)
by Albert Bridge
for square J3374
With the fire now extinguished one appliance remained, on stand-by, at Castle Place.