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Showing latest 50 of 343 images tagged with Ploughed tag but excluding images with Traction Engines tag.

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ST9209 : Steam ploughing demonstration at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2014 by Ian Capper Steam ploughing demonstration at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2014 by Ian Capper
geograph for square ST9209
Steam ploughing works by having the two steam ploughing engines at each end of... (more)
SU0827 : Plough near Bishopstone by Maigheach-gheal Plough near Bishopstone by Maigheach-gheal
geograph for square SU0827
The earliest form of cultivation consisted simply of scratching the soil with a... (more)
SU0828 : Plough near Bishopstone by Maigheach-gheal Plough near Bishopstone by Maigheach-gheal
geograph for square SU0828
The earliest form of cultivation consisted simply of scratching the soil with a... (more)
SU0876 : Ploughed field, Clyffe Pypard by Maigheach-gheal Ploughed field, Clyffe Pypard by Maigheach-gheal
geograph for square SU0876
Category: Ploughed field
The recently harvested field has been ploughed for the next crop. The earliest... (more)
SU0728 : Plough, Bishopstone Down by Maigheach-gheal Plough, Bishopstone Down by Maigheach-gheal
geograph for square SU0728
The earliest form of cultivation consisted simply of scratching the soil with a... (more)
NN9036 : Plough near Amulree by Maigheach-gheal Plough near Amulree by Maigheach-gheal
geograph for square NN9036
The earliest form of cultivation consisted simply of scratching the soil with a... (more)
Tags: place:AmulreeX   top:Heath, ScrubX   PloughX   top:UplandsX  
NO0629 : Plough near Pittendynie by Maigheach-gheal Plough near Pittendynie by Maigheach-gheal
geograph for square NO0629
The earliest form of cultivation consisted simply of scratching the soil with a... (more)
SU0125 : Ploughing, Fifield Bavant by Maigheach-gheal Ploughing, Fifield Bavant by Maigheach-gheal
geograph for square SU0125
The earliest form of cultivation consisted simply of scratching the soil with a... (more)
ST9209 : Steam ploughing demonstration at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2014 by Ian Capper Steam ploughing demonstration at the Great Dorset Steam Fair 2014 by Ian Capper
geograph for square ST9209
1870 built Fowler Ploughing Engine no 1368 in operation at the Great Dorset... (more)
TQ8833 : Oaks Road Tenterden by Phil Brandon Hunter Oaks Road Tenterden by Phil Brandon Hunter
geograph for square TQ8833
Looking along Golden Square from Oaks Road, with East Hill curving round to the... (more)
TL2237 : Speed the plough - Stotfold Mill working steam event by Chris Allen Speed the plough - Stotfold Mill working steam event by Chris Allen
geograph for square TL2237
A balance plough being operated by a pair of Fowler ploughing engines in a fine... (more)
SU5181 : Horse-drawn plough by Fly Horse-drawn plough by Fly
geograph for square SU5181
Ploughing the old-fashioned way at the 2011 Newbury & District Agricultural... (more)
SU5181 : Horse-drawn plough by Fly Horse-drawn plough by Fly
geograph for square SU5181
Ploughing the old-fashioned way at the 2011 Newbury & District Agricultural... (more)
SK2342 : Fendt tractor and plough at work by Ian Calderwood Fendt tractor and plough at work by Ian Calderwood
geograph for square SK2342
TQ0845 : Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ0845
The two competing horse teams. A third team had entered but did not arrive,... (more)
TQ0845 : Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming
for square TQ0845
Lunch break during the horse ploughing.
TQ0845 : Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ0845
Lunch break during the horse ploughing.
TL2237 : Steam ploughing display by Chris Allen Steam ploughing display by Chris Allen
geograph for square TL2237
A pair of Fowler steam ploughing engines are cable hauling this balance plough.... (more)
TL2797 : Plough boys - Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival 2013 by Richard Humphrey Plough boys - Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival 2013 by Richard Humphrey
for square TL2797
TM3876 : Ploughing at Halesworth by Geographer Ploughing at Halesworth by Geographer
geograph for square TM3876
Off the B1117 Walpole Road
SE4231 : Partly-ploughed field, north side, Selby Road by Christine Johnstone Partly-ploughed field, north side, Selby Road by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE4231
The tractor is way in the distance, ploughing east-west from the north [left]... (more)
NT4832 : Ploughing near the Tweed by Jim Barton Ploughing near the Tweed by Jim Barton
geograph for square NT4832
Ploughing a large field on the N side of the river. The driver has just lowered... (more)
TQ3407 : A plough and its work by Stephen Craven A plough and its work by Stephen Craven
geograph for square TQ3407
Category: Farming activity
A large plough left behind after ploughing the field.
SJ7193 : Ploughing the mosslands by Stephen McKay Ploughing the mosslands by Stephen McKay
geograph for square SJ7193
A tractor sets to work with a heavy duty plough behind it. The peaty soil of the... (more)
TF8038 : Two ploughed fields by David Lally Two ploughed fields by David Lally
geograph for square TF8038
North of Stanhoe, beside Station Road.
NS1848 : Tractor and plough by Richard Sutcliffe Tractor and plough by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NS1848
A Massey Ferguson 6470 tractor and plough turn at the end of a row, before... (more)
SU7179 : Ploughing the headland, Sonning Common by Simon Mortimer Ploughing the headland, Sonning Common by Simon Mortimer
geograph for square SU7179
Looking north-east from Peppard Road towards the corner of Young Wood.
SU7179 : Ploughing the headland, Sonning Common by Simon Mortimer Ploughing the headland, Sonning Common by Simon Mortimer
geograph for square SU7179
Looking north-east from Peppard Road towards the corner of Young Wood.
SO4974 : Ploughed field by Ian Capper Ploughed field by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO4974
Ploughed field by Lower Wood Road, with the deep furrows lit up by the late afternoon sun.
TF0821 : Is that Piers? by Bob Harvey Is that Piers? by Bob Harvey
for square TF0821
I doubt any ploughboy has been called Piers for half a millennium, and I would... (more)
TL2697 : Following the plough - Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival 2020 by Richard Humphrey Following the plough - Whittlesea Straw Bear Festival 2020 by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL2697
TQ0845 : Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ0845
One of the two horse teams in action.
TQ0845 : Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ0845
One of the two horse teams in action.
TQ0845 : Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ0845
The two horse teams in action.
TQ0845 : Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ0845
One of the horse teams in action.
TQ0845 : Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ0845
One of the horse teams in action. In the distance, St.Martha's Hill can... (more)
TQ0845 : Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming Surrey County Ploughing Match 2019 by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ0845
Some of the vintage tractors being used in the competition.
SO6533 : Much Marcle Steam Rally - balance plough by Chris Allen Much Marcle Steam Rally - balance plough by Chris Allen
for square SO6533
This was being hauled between a pair of Fowler steam ploughing engines. This is... (more)
NN2680 : Plough, Insh Farm by Graham Robson Plough, Insh Farm by Graham Robson
for square NN2680
An old Ransomes 2 furrow reversible plough parked in the grass beside a track at... (more)
TQ7819 : Horse ploughing at Step-back-in-Time event, Sedlescombe by Patrick Roper Horse ploughing at Step-back-in-Time event, Sedlescombe by Patrick Roper
for square TQ7819
A team in the horse ploughing competition during the event on Hurst House fields.
NH8953 : Ploughing, Park Farm by David Dixon Ploughing, Park Farm by David Dixon
geograph for square NH8953
SK2543 : Brailsford Ploughing Match by Malcolm Neal Brailsford Ploughing Match by Malcolm Neal
for square SK2543
This ploughing match and country fair has been going for many years. though... (more)
ST3718 : Bless the plough by Anthony Vosper Bless the plough by Anthony Vosper
geograph for square ST3718
A rusty plough rests upon a tombstone in St Andrew's Churchyard. The... (more)
NU2403 : Ploughing east of Morwick by Graham Robson Ploughing east of Morwick by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU2403
A large Case Quadtrac tracked tractor is pulling a long Kverneland plough. the... (more)
SO8040 : Ploughing demonstration by Philip Halling Ploughing demonstration by Philip Halling
geograph for square SO8040
Ploughing demonstration at the Welland Steam Rally.
TQ0757 : Ploughing in progress, Wisley by Alan Hunt Ploughing in progress, Wisley by Alan Hunt
geograph for square TQ0757
Ploughing one of the large fields north of the disused Wisley runway. Beyond is... (more)
TL2237 : Ploughing demonstration by Chris Allen Ploughing demonstration by Chris Allen
geograph for square TL2237
Different generations of Fordson tractor ploughing in the demonstration field at... (more)
TM3876 : Ploughing at Halesworth by Geographer Ploughing at Halesworth by Geographer
geograph for square TM3876
Off the B1117 Walpole Road
SO2199 : Ploughed field by the railway line by Christopher Hilton Ploughed field by the railway line by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square SO2199
Beyond the ploughing, trees hide the River Camlad as it runs down towards the Severn.
SO7695 : Worfield Plough by Gordon Griffiths Worfield Plough by Gordon Griffiths
geograph for square SO7695
The birds follow the plough near the village of Worfield.
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