Tag: Lichen
Showing latest 50 of 993 images tagged with Lichen tag.
A lichen - Stereocaulon vesuvianum
by Lairich Rig for square NS3778 Category: Lichens and mosses This lichen was growing on top of a dry-stone wall: NS3778 : Dry-stone wall. It is in the... (more)
A lichen - Ochrolechia tartarea
by Lairich Rig for square NS2984 Category: Lichens and mosses The photo shows the northern side of the trunk of a large tree. It was mostly... (more)
A lichen - Parmelia saxatilis
by Lairich Rig for square NS3678 Category: Lichens and mosses This is an extremely common lichen in Britain. It can be found on moderately... (more)
Lichens on a boulder in a disused quarry
by Lairich Rig for square NS3678 Category: Lichens and mosses Several species of lichen can be seen here growing upon the top of a large... (more)
A lichen - Xanthoparmelia conspersa
by Lairich Rig for square NS3779 Category: Lichens and mosses (Synonym: Parmelia conspersa)
This lichen was growing on boulders that are... (more)
A lichen - Ramalina calicaris
by Lairich Rig for square NS3383 Category: Lichens and mosses Not all lichens are indicators of good air quality (for example, the species... (more)
A lichen - Physcia caesia
by Lairich Rig for square NS3676 Category: Lichens and mosses "It is common on nutrient-enriched, well-lit calcareous materials, but may... (more)
A lichen - Tephromela atra ("Black Shields")
by Lairich Rig for square NS3675 Category: Lichens and mosses (Older synonym: Lecanora atra)
This lichen is "common on siliceous rocks... (more)
A lichen - Trapeliopsis pseudogranulosa
by Lairich Rig for square NS3984 Category: Lichens and mosses This specimen was found growing on a mossy rock in a dry-stone wall; the wall... (more)
A lichen - Peltigera membranacea
by Lairich Rig for square NS3681 Category: Lichens and mosses The orange-brown discs are the spore-producing structures (apothecia). The pale... (more)
The "Map Lichen" - Rhizocarpon geographicum
by Lairich Rig for square NS3779 Category: Lichens and mosses This lichen, a few centimetres across, was growing on the boulders of an ancient... (more)
Carpet of Lichen, Culbin
by Mick Garratt geograph for square NH9963 Culbin is a man made forest, of Scots and Corsican pines, planted in the 1930s... (more)
A lichen - Placynthium nigrum
by Lairich Rig for square NS4377 The lichen was growing on one of the large boulders shown in NS4377 : A line of limestone outcrops. It is... (more)
A lichen - Peltigera membranacea
by Lairich Rig for square NS3778 The lichen is growing on limestone; see NS3778 : Limestone outcrop for context.
The body of... (more)
A lichen - Mycoblastus sanguinarius
by Lairich Rig for square NS3778 The lichen was on a dry-stone wall, just a few metres to the right (north-east)... (more)
A lichen - Parmelia saxatilis
by Lairich Rig for square NS4280 Apart from moss, most of the image is taken up by the lichen referred to in the... (more)
A lichen - Bryoria fuscescens
by Lairich Rig for square NS3680 Category: Lichens and mosses There are several lichens visible in this image, but the one being highlighted... (more)
A lichen - Graphis scripta
by Lairich Rig for square NS3680 Category: Lichens and mosses This is one of the lirellate lichens, so called because the fruiting bodies,... (more)
A lichen - Cladonia portentosa
by Lairich Rig for square NS3778 Category: Lichens and mosses In a quick examination (undertaken out of curiosity) of a few square metres of... (more)
A lichen - Pertusaria corallina
by Lairich Rig for square NS3778 Category: Lichens and mosses This lichen is "very common on exposed siliceous rocks in upland and... (more)
A lichen - Usnea species
by Lairich Rig for square NS3581 Category: Lichens and mosses This photograph was taken from the side of a footpath through the coniferous... (more)
A lichen - Ramalina fraxinea
by Lairich Rig for square NS4179 For context, see NS4179 : Plantation viewed from clear lane.
The title refers to the species with the long... (more)
Broadleaved PlantationX
type:Close LookX
subject:Lichens / MossesX
Pappert Well Community WoodlandX
top:Woodland, ForestX
Carpet of Lichen, Culbin
by Mick Garratt geograph for square NJ0264 Culbin is a man made forest, of Scots and Corsican pines, planted in the 1930s... (more)
subject:Lichens / MossesX
top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX
top:Woodland, ForestX
A lichen - Lasallia pustulata
by Lairich Rig for square NS3974 The picture is a close-up of a steep rock face, part of which is shown in... (more)
A lichen - Rimularia furvella
by Lairich Rig for square NS3178 Category: Lichens and mosses This lichen was growing on a schist boulder beside a footpath above the shore... (more)
A lichen - Parmelia ernstiae
by Lairich Rig for square NS4276 Category: Lichens and mosses In most respects, this lichen resembles NS3678 : A lichen - Parmelia saxatilis, but is rarer; like P.... (more)
A lichen - Buellia aethalea
by Lairich Rig for square NS3675 Category: Lichens and mosses This lichen species was growing on a boulder on the beach; it occurred in small... (more)
A lichen - Collema furfuraceum
by Lairich Rig for square NS3675 Category: Lichens and mosses Within their outer fungal layer, most lichens contain algae. Those in the genus... (more)
A lichen - Pertusaria amara
by Lairich Rig for square NS3882 Category: Lichens and mosses The title refers to the white lichen in the upper half of the image (the green... (more)
Ramalina fastigiata lichen
by Phil Brandon Hunter for square TQ8224 The lichen Ramalina fastigiata (dotted-ribbon lichen) on the bark of Salix... (more)
Ramalina fastigiata lichen
by Phil Brandon Hunter for square TQ8224 The lichen Ramalina fastigiata (dotted-ribbon lichen) on the bark of Salix... (more)
A lichen - Ochrolechia parella
by Lairich Rig for square NS3380 Category: Lichens and mosses Although I submitted another photo of this species, the present image is of a... (more)
A lichen - Evernia prunastri
by Lairich Rig for square NS4276 Category: Lichens and mosses A common name for this species is "Oak Moss", although it is not a... (more)
A lichen - Hypogymnia physodes
by Lairich Rig for square NS3976 Category: Lichens and mosses This is a very common species, found on trees and rocks; its lobes have a... (more)
Xanthoria parietina Lichen
by Phil Brandon Hunter for square TQ8933 The lichen 'Xanthoria parietina' seen on the bark of a field maple on... (more)
type:Close LookX
subject:Lichens / MossesX
top:Woodland, ForestX
Xanthoria ParietinaX
Ramalina fastigiata Lichen
by Phil Brandon Hunter for square TQ8224 The lichen Ramalina fastigiata (Dotted Ribbon Ramalina), on a willow tree in... (more)
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subject:Lichens / MossesX
Ramalina FastigiataX
top:Woodland, ForestX
Ramalina fastigiata Lichen
by Phil Brandon Hunter for square TQ8224 The lichen Ramalina fastigiata (Dotted Ribbon Ramalina), on a willow tree in... (more)
type:Close LookX
subject:Lichens / MossesX
Ramalina FastigiataX
top:Woodland, ForestX
Evernia prunastri (Oak Moss)
by Phil Brandon Hunter for square TQ8224 The lichen Evernia prunastri (also known as Oak Moss, though a lichen not a... (more)
type:Close LookX
Evernia PrunastriX
subject:Lichens / MossesX
top:Woodland, ForestX
Hammered Shield Lichen
by Phil Brandon Hunter for square SH7043 The Hammered Shield Lichen (Parmelia sulcata), photographed on a wall in the... (more)
Lichen (Pertusaria pertusa) with fungal parasite
by Lairich Rig for square NS3779 Category: Lichens and mosses Just a few metres ENE of a ruined building (NS3779 : Ruins of Carman Cottage), the base of a tree is... (more)
A lichen - Parmelia sulcata
by Lairich Rig for square NS3678 Category: Lichens and mosses This species is superficially very similar to Parmelia saxatilis: NS3678 : A lichen - Parmelia saxatilis.... (more)
A lichen - Cladonia macilenta
by Lairich Rig for square NS3778 Category: Lichens and mosses This lichen is growing at the base of a tree, which is a very typical habitat... (more)
A lichen - Baeomyces rufus
by Lairich Rig for square NS4179 Category: Lichens and mosses The lichen is shown here growing on a boulder of (locally abundant) red... (more)
A lichen - Baeomyces rufus
by Lairich Rig for square NS3778 Category: Lichens and mosses Several patches of this lichen were growing on peaty soil at the side of a... (more)
place:Carman MuirX
near:Carman ReservoirX
top:Heath, ScrubX
A lichen - Arctoparmelia incurva
by Lairich Rig for square NS3778 Category: Lichens and mosses (Older synonym: Parmelia incurva)
The lobes of the lichen are quite long and... (more)
A lichen: Rhizocarpon oederi
by Lairich Rig for square NS3778 Category: Lichens and mosses Several patches of this lichen were growing on a rock in a dry-stone wall. The... (more)
Fungal parasite on lichen
by Lairich Rig for square NS4079 Category: Fungi [For the habitat, see NS4079 : Footpath to Pappert Hill - near the woods' edge; the present photograph shows a detail from a... (more)
A lichen - Platismatia glauca
by Lairich Rig for square NS4276 Category: Lichens and mosses This foliose (leafy) lichen is "very common, especially in upland areas, on... (more)
A lichen - Diploschistes scruposus
by Lairich Rig for square NS4375 Category: Lichens and mosses This lichen species is often grey in colour, occasionally with a yellow tinge;... (more)
A lichen - Ochrolechia androgyna
by Lairich Rig for square NS4277 Category: Lichens and mosses This lichen was growing on one of a number of rocks that were heaped up in a... (more)