Tag: Eagle
Showing latest 50 of 82 images tagged with Eagle tag.
White Tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) chick
by Rob Farrow for square NM4759 A closer view of the White Tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) chick on the... (more)
type:Close LookX
bird:White Tailed Sea EagleX
top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX
White Tailed Sea Eagle flies to its nest with fish
by Rob Farrow for square NG5142 Category: Birds As with NG5142 : Sea Eagle with fish the sea eagle unfortunately blends in with the rocks, but... (more)
Sea Eagle with fish
by Rob Farrow for square NG5142 Category: Birds This White Tailed Sea Eagle had just dived to pluck this fish from the sea off... (more)
Sea Eagle prepares to dive for fish
by Rob Farrow for square NG5142 Category: Birds Not fantastic focus and admittedly no geographical information in this photo,... (more)
White Tailed Sea Eagle overhead off Udairn
by Rob Farrow for square NG5142 Category: Birds I photographed this magnificent bird as it flew near our boat just before... (more)
White Tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) adult
by Rob Farrow for square NM4759 One of the parents of NM4759 : White Tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) chick seen sitting in a nearby tree.
(see also... (more)
type:Close LookX
bird:White Tailed Sea EagleX
top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX
Sea stack at Ardmore Point
by Rob Farrow geograph for square NM4759 This wall-like stack on the coast of Mull at Ardmore Point is host to an almost... (more)
Bald Eagle
by David Dixon for square SO7023 The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is probably the best known of the sea... (more)
ICBP, Bald Eagle in the Hawk Walk
by David Dixon for square SO7023 The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is probably the best known of the sea... (more)
Brixworth - All Saints - Carved Eagle - Saxon or earlier
by Rob Farrow for square SP7471 This eagle carved in stone is to be found just inside the southern entrance to... (more)
subject:Carved StoneX
type:Close LookX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
saint:John the EvangelistX
top:Religious SitesX
St JohnX
top:Village, Rural SettlementX
ICBP Flying Display, Steller's Sea Eagle
by David Dixon for square SO7023 Steller’s Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) is a stunning bird; the largest of... (more)
ICBP, Steller's Sea Eagle
by David Dixon for square SO7023 Steller’s Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) is a stunning bird; the largest of... (more)
Steller's Sea Eagle at ICBP
by David Dixon for square SO7023 Steller’s Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) is a stunning bird; the largest of... (more)
Bald Eagle at Eagle Heights, Eynsford, Kent
by Peter Trimming for square TQ5265 Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Seen during the lunchtime flying display.... (more)
Bald EagleX
place:Eagle HeightsX
top:Educational SitesX
top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX
Eagle on a gate pier
by Philip Halling for square SP5007 One of a pair of eagles on a pair of gate piers at one of the former entrances... (more)
The Eagle
by Ian Capper geograph for square SK0573 Pub in Market Place built in 1760 and later extended, replacing an earlier inn,... (more)
top:Business, Retail, ServicesX
top:City, Town CentreX
pub:Devonshire ArmsX
pub:Eagle and ChildX
Grade II ListedX
road:Market PlaceX
Eagle Flying at York Bird of Prey Centre
by David Dixon for square SE5365 The York Bird of Prey Centre was established in 2011 and is based within the... (more)
Lectern, Church of St Mary and St Nicholas
by Maigheach-gheal for square SU0931 The lectern has an 18th century eagle standing on imitation lava.
The eagle... (more)
Verreaux's Eagle at the National Centre for Birds of Prey
by David Dixon for square SE6083 The Verreaux's eagle (Aquila verreauxii) is not native to the UK, it lives... (more)
Eagles on gate piers
by Philip Halling for square SP5007 This site used to be the Eagle Ironworks. Today the ironworks has gone and the... (more)
by David Dixon for square SO7023 Most people would agree that when in flight, eagles are very graceful. However... (more)
The Eagle Gate
by Eirian Evans geograph for square SJ8490 The entrance to the garden is marked by a striking neo-Norman stone arched gate... (more)
Ornamental GardensX
top:Park and Public GardensX
top:Suburb, Urban FringeX
African Fish Eagle
by David Dixon for square SE6083 A closer look at Carlton, the two year old Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) at... (more)
Eagle in a Tree
by David Dixon for square SE6083 An African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) pauses in a tree at Duncombe Park. A... (more)
Eagle in Flight at NCBP
by David Dixon for square SE6083 Carlton, a two-year old African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer), soars above the... (more)
Bateleur Eagle at the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary
by Oliver Dixon for square TM1459 An African eagle with spectacular plumage. Its diet includes snakes; protective... (more)
Grace, The Golden Eagle, Chester
by Rob Farrow for square SJ4066 Chester Cathedral has its own falconry team and a centre which the public can... (more)
Bald Eagle
by Richard Croft for square SK8260 American Bald Eagle D'mona in flight during a Falconry Life... (more)
St Gregory's Church, Lectern
by David Dixon for square SE2688 "The throne of the word of God". From here, the holy scriptures are... (more)
St Gregory's Church, Lectern
by David Dixon for square SE2688 "The throne of the word of God". From here, the holy scriptures are... (more)
Interior, St Helen's Church
by Maigheach-gheal for square SK9153 The lectern is of brass in the shape of an eagle. The stained glass in the... (more)
Eagle Mobbed by Crows
by David Dixon for square SE6083 'Mobbing' is a behaviour that birds engage in to defend themselves or... (more)
Eagle carving
by Bill Kasman geograph for square NN0777 This wooden carving of an eagle with a fish in its talons is located close to... (more)
top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX
Loch EilX
Loch LinnheX
top:Suburb, Urban FringeX
Eagle Carving
by Bill Kasman geograph for square NN0777 This wooden carving of an eagle with a fish in its talons is located close to... (more)
top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX
Loch EilX
Loch LinnheX
top:Suburb, Urban FringeX
Hamblethorp - Polish Eagle
by Colin Smith for square SD9947 Beside Hamblethorp Swing Bridge across the Leeds and Liverpool Canal is a Polish... (more)
type:Close LookX
top:Defence, MilitaryX
Hamblethorpe Swing BridgeX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
Polish War MemorialX
subject:War MemorialX
Eagle over the Police Station
by David Dixon for square SD2374 This gilded eagle is one of the most striking features of SD2374 : Former County Police Station, Dalton-in-Furness.
top:City, Town CentreX
type:Close LookX
camera:Panasonic DMC-G7X
Police StationX
top:Public Buildings and SpacesX
Eagle Gate: detail
by Gerald England for square SJ8490 Detail on the Eagle Gate SJ8490 : Didsbury Old Parsonage: Eagle Gate.
Eagle above Dyrham Park
by Philip Halling for square ST7475 An eagle above the balustrade of the east front of Dyrham Park.
Carved StoneX
type:Close LookX
subject:Historic BuildingX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
Grace's noble profile
by Rob Farrow for square SJ4066 The magnificent stern profile of Grace the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) at... (more)
Sea Eagle above the Waternish cliffs
by John Allan geograph for square NG2364 One of a group of four seen soaring along the cliff line in a stiff... (more)
Estcourt eagle
by Neil Owen for square SU0061 The fountain in Market Place features a number of bronze eagles surrounding the... (more)
Bronze StatueX
top:City, Town CentreX
Memorial FountainX
top:Water ResourcesX
Site of the Eagle
by Ian Capper geograph for square TQ2650 Site of the Eagle pub at the junction of Doods Road and Croydon Road, now... (more)
Eagle, Reigate Priory
by Ian Capper for square TQ2550 One of a pair of stone eagles topping the gateposts to Reigate Priory. See... (more)
Eagle, Reigate Priory
by Ian Capper for square TQ2550 One of a pair of stone eagles topping the gateposts to Reigate Priory. See... (more)
Scarba - the northeast shore
by M J Richardson geograph for square NM7106 A scrub of Willows, Bracken and rough grassland. There were two White-tailed... (more)
Friday night in The Eagle, Cambridge
by Richard Humphrey for square TL4458 Opened in 1667 this is one of the most famous pubs in Cambridge. It is owned by... (more)
top:Business, Retail, ServicesX
type:Close LookX
Francis CrickX
subject:Public HouseX
top:Sport, LeisureX
Steppe Eagle at ICBP
by David Dixon for square SO7023 |
ICBP, Steppe Eagle
by David Dixon for square SO7023 |
Steppe Eagle Flying Display at ICBP
by David Dixon for square SO7023 |
Giant Eagle Sculpture near Brora
by Andrew Tryon geograph for square NC8803 This sculpture of an eagle by Sam Barlow sits in a field overlooking the river... (more)
Bird of PreyX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
Metalwork SculptureX
place:Scottish HighlandsX