Coronavirus epidemic: a "shrine" in Yoxford Wood
by Christopher Hilton
for square TM4066
For some weeks, the central stone decorated with a rainbow (the logo used during... (more)
Coronavirus epidemic: a "shrine" in Yoxford Wood
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TM4066
For some weeks, this stone decorated with a rainbow (the logo used during the... (more)
Coronavirus epidemic: a "shrine" in Yoxford Wood
by Christopher Hilton
for square TM4066
For some weeks, this stone decorated with a rainbow (the logo used during the... (more)
Coronavirus Notice at the Barber Shop
by David Dixon
for square SD7807
As part of the UK government’s response to the 2020 coronavirus (Covid 19)... (more)
Coronavirus message, Six Road Ends
by Rossographer
for square J5278
Taken during the Coronavirus pandemic, a message of support to NHS and essential... (more)
Coronavirus message, Ballyboley
by Rossographer
geograph for square J5870
Wrapped silage bales, painted and with messages related to the Coronavirus... (more)
Support for key workers during the coronavirus pandemic, Glinton
by Paul Bryan
for square TF1505
This home-made rainbow banner on High Street in Glinton was typical of many... (more)
The Arc Shopping Centre in Bury St Edmunds
by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL8564
During the Coronavirus Covid-19 world pandemic non essential shops were closed... (more)
Socially Distanced Ticket Machines
by David Dixon
for square SD7807
As the travel restrictions imposed during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic... (more)
Rainbow Tribute to the NHS Outside Bury Town Hall
by David Dixon
for square SD8010
A number of rainbows started to appear across the country during the 2020... (more)
Rainbow Planters outside the Town Hall
by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8010
A number of rainbows started to appear across the country during the 2020... (more)
Social Distancing Sign on Piccadilly (A6)
by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8498
One of several large blue signs erected along Piccadilly during the 2020... (more)
Piccadilly - Keep Your Distance
by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8498
One of several large blue signs erected along Piccadilly during the 2020... (more)
Wear a Face Covering
by David Dixon
for square SJ8497
Notice at Manchester Piccadilly Railway Station. As part of the response to the... (more)
Covid Caterpillar at Elton Reservoir
by David Dixon
for square SD7808
During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic... (more)
Roadside Rainbows
by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8216
A long stretch of the verge alongside the A680 between Edenfield and Norden was... (more)
Stay at Home
by David Dixon
for square SD7807
On 23 March, During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic... (more)
Stop - Do Not Enter This Pharmacy
by David Dixon
for square SD7807
.... if you think you have coronavirus symptoms.
Notice on the door of... (more)
Thank You Key Workers
by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7806
During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic... (more)
Rainbow Hands
by David Dixon
for square SD7807
Another colourful variation on the “rainbows” which started to appear during the... (more)
Shop at the Six Road Ends near Bangor
by Rossographer
geograph for square J5278
Nash's stores at Six Road Ends near Bangor. Taken during the Coronavirus... (more)
Closed playground, Coronavirus pandemic, Saxmundham
by Christopher Hilton
for square TM3863
During the Coronavirus pandemic, playgrounds have been closed to prevent... (more)
Closed playground, Coronavirus pandemic, Saxmundham
by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TM3763
During the Coronavirus pandemic, playgrounds have been closed to prevent... (more)
Stay Safe
by David Dixon
for square SD7707
A colourful variation on the “rainbows” which started to appear during the 2020... (more)
Ensbury Park: coronavirus measures in the Co-Op
by Chris Downer
for square SZ0894
Chase the Rainbow
by David Dixon
for square SD7708
During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic... (more)
Sign of the times: Saxmundham Tesco, during Coronavirus alert
by Christopher Hilton
for square TM3862
Spring 2020 and the arrival of the coronavirus COVID-19 in the UK saw the... (more)
GVIR postbox on the Old Great North Road, Stibbington
by Paul Bryan
for square TL0997
This GVIR wall box (box no. PE8 65) is located on the Old Great North Road... (more)
Postbox for franked mail on Vicarage Farm Road, Peterborough
by Paul Bryan
for square TL2099
This postbox for parcels and franked mail (box no. PE1 375P) is located on... (more)
Modern EIIR postbox on Vicarage Farm Road, Peterborough
by Paul Bryan
for square TL2099
This EIIR postbox (box no. PE1 321) is located on Vicarage Farm Road at the... (more)
Wall-mounted EIIR postbox on High Street, Maxey
by Paul Bryan
for square TF1308
This wall-mounted EIIR postbox (box no. PE6 120) is located outside The Blue... (more)
Graffiti, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3574
Coronavirus related graffiti by 'Hallion' on Keatley Street in Belfast.
Graffiti, Belfast
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3574
Coronavirus related graffiti by 'Hallion' on the Newtownards Road in Belfast.
EIIR postbox at Glinton Post Office in the snow
by Paul Bryan
for square TF1505
This EIIR pillar box (box no. PE6 100) is located at the village post office and... (more)
Graffiti, Bangor
by Rossographer
geograph for square J4982
Graffiti related to the Coronavirus restrictions, this time on hoardings at... (more)
EIIR postbox at Glinton Post Office on a frosty December morning
by Paul Bryan
for square TF1505
This EIIR pillar box (box no. PE6 100) is located at the village post office and... (more)
Train, Belfast Lanyon Place Station
by Rossographer
geograph for square J3473
3 car Northern Ireland Railways C3K set 3004... (more)
London Coronavirus Nurse in Manchester
by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8498
This mural showing nurse Melanie Senior has been painted onto a wall on High... (more)
Ellesmere church: signs setting out Coronavirus restrictions
by Christopher Hilton
for square SJ4034
Ellesmere church: signs setting out Coronavirus restrictions
by Christopher Hilton
for square SJ4034
Our Railway Needs You...
by David Dixon
for square SD3484
....to wear a face covering.
After the reopening of the Lakeside and... (more)
Coronavirus Angel
by David Dixon
for square SJ8498
This new mural celebrating Britain’s healthcare heroes during the coronavirus... (more)
NHS mural, Belfast
by Rossographer
for square J3274
Mural in support of the NHS on the International Wall, Falls Road, Belfast. It... (more)
Stay Safe, Save Lives
by David Dixon
for square SD7807
On 23 March, During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic... (more)
Revised Opening for Recycling Centre
by David Dixon
for square SD7808
On 23 March, During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic... (more)
Messages of Hope
by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7708
Another example of the rainbows and other pictures in support of “key workers”... (more)
Signs of the times at Saxmundham Waitrose, during the coronavirus pandemic
by Christopher Hilton
for square TM3863
The notices set out two changes to shopping that applied during the coronavirus... (more)
Painted stones, Donaghadee
by Rossographer
for square J5980
Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, painted stones like these have been... (more)
Limit Your Use of Canal Towpaths
by David Dixon
for square SD7909
A notice from the Canal and River Trust asking cyclists and walkers to be more... (more)
Thank you message, Donaghadee
by Rossographer
geograph for square J5978
Taken during the Coronavirus pandemic, a thank you rainbow for NHS and key... (more)