Tag: Anchor
Showing latest 50 of 477 images tagged with Anchor tag.
Hawsepipe, anchor and bulbous bow, Arklow Manor, Belfast (May 2017)
by Albert Bridge for square J3575 It took about twenty minutes searching the web to discover the reason for this... (more)
Arklow ShippingX
Belfast HarbourX
Bulbous BowX
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Coaster (Cargo Ship)X
top:Docks, HarboursX
Hawsepipe (Ship)X
place:Stormont WharfX
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 12 is an American Baldt Anchor from Philadelphia, circa 1960s.... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2057 Display number 7 is an American Stockless Anchor, circa WWII, used to anchor... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 16 is a pair of Admiralty Plan Anchors, circa 1800 which were... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 This anchor is within the marina and is not part of the display and has no... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 14 is a Scoop Anchor, circa 1940. A very unusual design, used as... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2057 Display number 7 is an American Stockless Anchor, circa WWII, used to anchor... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2057 Anchors numbered 1 to 4 are AM11 Anchors, 1st Class Mooring, circa 1957.... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2057 Display number 5 is a mushroom anchor, circa 1950s, which would have been used... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent geograph for square NS2057 Anchors numbered 1 to 4 are AM11 anchors, 1st Class Mooring, circa 1957.... (more)
Mona’s Queen III anchor (2)
by Richard Hoare geograph for square SC2167 The anchor from the Mona’s Queen III which lies at Kallow Point is a memorial to... (more)
29 May 1940X
top:Defence, MilitaryX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
Isle of Man Steam PacketX
King OrryX
Mona QueenX
Operation DynamoX
top:People, EventsX
Mona’s Queen III anchor
by Richard Hoare geograph for square SC2167 The anchor from the Mona’s Queen III which lies at Kallow Point is a memorial to... (more)
29 May 1940X
top:Defence, MilitaryX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
Isle of Man Steam PacketX
King OrryX
Mona QueenX
Operation DynamoX
top:People, EventsX
An anchor at Conwy
by Richard Hoare geograph for square SH7877 With kind reference to... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 10 is an AM2 Anchor with 2" shackle, circa 1950s. Used for... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2057 Display number 6 is a Cope Anchor, Class 3 Moorings, circa 1960s. Used for light... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 15 is a Tipton Clump Anchor, circa 1940. Stored on shore and used... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 15 is a Tipton Clump Anchor, circa 1940. Stored on shore and used... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 13 includes Weights & Sinkers. 5cwt castellated sinkers and a... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 11 is Shackles & Rings, 3" & 4" Shackles,... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 9 is a Cope Anchor AC14 circa 1960s. Used for mooring small ships... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent geograph for square NS2157 Display number 10 is an AM2 Anchor with 2" shackle, circa 1950s. Used for... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 9 is a Cope Anchor AC14 circa 1960s. Used for mooring small ships... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2057 Display number 8 is a Bruce Anchor, circa 1970s. Used singly or in groups, takes... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent geograph for square NS2057 Display number 8 is a Bruce Anchor, circa 1970s. Used singly or in groups, takes... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2057 Display number 6 is a Cope Anchor, Class 3 Moorings, circa 1960s. Used for light... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2057 The descriptive plaque at anchors numbered 1 to 4.
See also NS2057 : NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail.
Anchor Iron Wharf
by Oliver Dixon geograph for square TQ3878 The inscription on the anchor sculpture tells how after a long history, one... (more)
top:Business, Retail, ServicesX
top:Docks, HarboursX
Public HouseX
by Ian Capper geograph for square SY2489 Anchor on the sea front at Seaton, with Sea Hill in the background. A plaque... (more)
The Netherton Anchor
by Stephen McKay for square SO9488 At first sight a large ship's anchor seems to be a strange thing to exhibit... (more)
top:Business, Retail, ServicesX
top:City, Town CentreX
type:Close LookX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
Anchor along Redcar seafront
by Mat Fascione geograph for square NZ6025 The anchor was recovered in 1999 from the wreck of the Finnish barque Birger.... (more)
Mona’s Queen III Memorial
by Richard Hoare geograph for square SC2167 The anchor from the Mona’s Queen III which lies at Kallow Point is a memorial to... (more)
29 May 1940X
top:Defence, MilitaryX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
Isle of Man Steam PacketX
King OrryX
Mona QueenX
Operation DynamoX
top:People, EventsX
Anchor on the Town Pier, North Queensferry
by M J Richardson geograph for square NT1380 A plaque by the side explains 'This admiralty style anchor was discovered... (more)
top:Docks, HarboursX
top:Estuary, MarineX
Firth of ForthX
Forth BridgeX
place:North QueensferryX
top:People, EventsX
top:Village, Rural SettlementX
Anchor of the 'MSC Napoli', Belfast
by Rossographer for square J3878 One of two anchors from the 'MSC Napoli'... (more)
Belfast DocksX
place:Belfast DocksX
Belfast HarbourX
top:Docks, HarboursX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
MSC NapoliX
top:Suburb, Urban FringeX
Anchor of the 'MSC Napoli', Belfast
by Rossographer geograph for square J3878 One of two anchors from the 'MSC Napoli'... (more)
Belfast DocksX
place:Belfast DocksX
Belfast HarbourX
top:Docks, HarboursX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
MSC NapoliX
top:Suburb, Urban FringeX
Anchor near Lymington Town Railway Station
by Jaggery geograph for square SZ3295 One of many anchors to be seen in the port town of Lymington, this one is on the... (more)
Site of Noah Hingley's works, Netherton
by Chris Allen for square SO9487 The big sheds seen across the Dudley No. 2 Canal are on the industrial estate... (more)
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Dudley #2 CanalX
Former IronworksX
Industrial EstateX
Anchor on Bleak House wall
by Alan Murray-Rust for square TR3967 One of a number of anchors built into walls nearby. A plaque adjacent states... (more)
Anchor along Market Street in Holyhead
by Mat Fascione geograph for square SH2482 This anchor was presented to the town of Holyhead by the Stena Sealink Line in 1992.
top:City, Town CentreX
top:Roads, Road TransportX
Town StreetX
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent geograph for square NS2057 The start of the trail at Largs Yacht Haven.
Inscription on the anchor at Anchor Iron Wharf
by Eirian Evans for square TQ3878 See TQ3878 : Anchor near the Cutty Sark Inn for the anchor
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top:Docks, HarboursX
top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX
top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX
S.S. Feltria anchor, Davitt's Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford
by P L Chadwick for square X2693 The inscription on the stone by this anchor reads:- "This Admiralty type... (more)
Old anchor alongside Northgate, Bridgwater
by Jaggery geograph for square ST2937 This is one of two old anchors on display near the Admirals Landing pub.... (more)
Old anchor on a Bridgwater corner
by Jaggery geograph for square ST2937 This is one of two old anchors on display alongside Northgate near the Admirals... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2056 The descriptive plaque at display number 20.
See also NS2056 : NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail.
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2056 The descriptive plaque at display number 19.
See also NS2056 : NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail.
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2056 Display number 19 consists of Floats, Spherical and Double Conical. These were... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 The descriptive plaque at display number 18.
See also NS2157 : NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail.
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 18 consists of Floats, Spherical and Double Conical. These were... (more)
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 The descriptive plaque for display number 17.
See also NS2157 : NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail.
NATO Anchors, Floats, Sinkers Trail
by Thomas Nugent for square NS2157 Display number 17 consists of Floats, Spherical and Double Conical. These were... (more)