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Showing latest 50 of 25,583 images tagged with Ordnance Survey tag.

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NT7969 : Pivot Benchmark, Pease Bridge by Adrian Taylor Pivot Benchmark, Pease Bridge by Adrian Taylor
for square NT7969
Detail of the Ordnance Survey pivot benchmark on the south parapet of Pease... (more)
SK3389 : Benchmark, Hillsborough Bridge by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Hillsborough Bridge by Adrian Taylor
for square SK3389
Detail of a damaged Ordnance Survey benchmark at the southeast end of the... (more)
SD5279 : Benchmark, Holme Park Farm by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Holme Park Farm by Adrian Taylor
for square SD5279
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the limestone quoin on the... (more)
NY3401 : Flush bracket benchmark, High Arnside by Adrian Taylor Flush bracket benchmark, High Arnside by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3401
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark number S5334 on the High Arnside Ordnance... (more)
SO8554 : Benchmark, Worcester Cathedral by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Worcester Cathedral by Adrian Taylor
for square SO8554
Detail of the Ordnance Survey published abstract bolt benchmark on the north... (more)
J3078 : Flush Bracket, Squires Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Squires Hill Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J3078
Flush bracket bench mark on Squires Hill trig pillar. The number on the... (more)
NY4057 : Benchmark, Brampton Road by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Brampton Road by Adrian Taylor
for square NY4057
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the Newcastle 55 miles / Carlisle... (more)
NY5130 : Benchmark, 5 Sandgate, Penrith by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, 5 Sandgate, Penrith by Adrian Taylor
for square NY5130
Detail of the old Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the plinth of the door pillar... (more)
SD6580 : Benchmark, Brownthwaite by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Brownthwaite by Adrian Taylor
for square SD6580
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark on the concrete Ordnance Survey... (more)
SP1013 : Benchmark, Fosse Way by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Fosse Way by Adrian Taylor
for square SP1013
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark on the Ordnance Survey triangulation... (more)
TF0307 : Benchmark, Stamford Arts Centre by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Stamford Arts Centre by Adrian Taylor
for square TF0307
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the stone quoin at the north east... (more)
NY5123 : Benchmark, Askham Hall Gate by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Askham Hall Gate by Adrian Taylor
for square NY5123
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the south face of the western... (more)
SH6054 : Flush Bracket Benchmark, Snowdon Summit by Adrian Taylor Flush Bracket Benchmark, Snowdon Summit by Adrian Taylor
for square SH6054
Detail of the Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark on the topograph on the... (more)
SD3582 : Flush Bracket Benchmark, Bigland Tarn by Adrian Taylor Flush Bracket Benchmark, Bigland Tarn by Adrian Taylor
for square SD3582
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark on the Ordnance Survey triangulation... (more)
SD4972 : Flush Bracket Benchmark, Warton Crag by Adrian Taylor Flush Bracket Benchmark, Warton Crag by Adrian Taylor
for square SD4972
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark on the Ordnance Survey triangulation... (more)
SD2874 : Flush Bracket Benchmark, Birkrigg Common by Adrian Taylor Flush Bracket Benchmark, Birkrigg Common by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2874
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark on the Ordnance Survey triangulation... (more)
NY1101 : Pivot benchmark on Santon Bridge by Adrian Taylor Pivot benchmark on Santon Bridge by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1101
Detail of the Ordnance Survey pivot benchmark on the south parapet of the bridge... (more)
NY2608 : Benchmark, Stake Pass Summit by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Stake Pass Summit by Adrian Taylor
for square NY2608
On a rock beside the path at the summit of Stake Pass there is a large, old,... (more)
NY2608 : Benchmark, Stake Pass Summit by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Stake Pass Summit by Adrian Taylor
for square NY2608
Detail of the old, large Ordnance Survey pivot benchmark on a rock at the summit... (more)
NY5965 : Benchmark, Combcrag Wood by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Combcrag Wood by Adrian Taylor
for square NY5965
Detail of the Ordnance Survey pivot benchmark in Combcrag Wood. There has been... (more)
SY4092 : Flush Bracket benchmark, Golden Cap by Adrian Taylor Flush Bracket benchmark, Golden Cap by Adrian Taylor
for square SY4092
Detail of the Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark on the triangulation... (more)
NY4055 : Benchmark, Collier Lane, Carlisle by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Collier Lane, Carlisle by Adrian Taylor
for square NY4055
Detail of the Ordnance Survey pivot benchmark on a kerbstone at the northwest... (more)
SD3973 : Flush Bracket Benchmark, Humphrey Head by Adrian Taylor Flush Bracket Benchmark, Humphrey Head by Adrian Taylor
for square SD3973
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark on the Ordnance Survey triangulation... (more)
NY3650 : Benchmark, St. Michaels Church, Dalston by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St. Michaels Church, Dalston by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3650
Detail of the Ordnance Survey Published Abstract Bolt benchmark on the south... (more)
SE0263 : Benchmark, Hebden Bridge, Hebden by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Hebden Bridge, Hebden by Adrian Taylor
for square SE0263
Detail of the Ordnance Survey Published Abstract Bolt benchmark on the north... (more)
NY5327 : Benchmark, Clifton Hall, Pele Tower by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Clifton Hall, Pele Tower by Adrian Taylor
for square NY5327
Detail of the Ordnance Survey Published Abstract Bolt benchmark south face,... (more)
SD9963 : Bow Bridge parapet by Adrian Taylor Bow Bridge parapet by Adrian Taylor
for square SD9963
The centre of the northeast parapet of Bow Bridge with Captain Beck below and... (more)
SP0957 : Benchmark, St Nicholas' Church by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St Nicholas' Church by Adrian Taylor
for square SP0957
Detail of the weathered Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the buttress on the... (more)
NY0501 : Benchmark, Panope by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Panope by Adrian Taylor
for square NY0501
Detail of the inverted Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on a gatepost at Panope... (more)
NY1930 : Benchmark, Bassenthwaite Lake Station House by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Bassenthwaite Lake Station House by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1930
Detail of the Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark on Bassenthwaite Lake... (more)
NY3955 : Benchmark, Carlisle Cathedral by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Carlisle Cathedral by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3955
Detail of the Ordnance Survey published abstract bolt benchmark adjacent to a... (more)
SD6669 : Benchmark, High Bentham, former Royal Oak Hotel by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, High Bentham, former Royal Oak Hotel by Adrian Taylor
for square SD6669
Detail of the Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark on the front of the former... (more)
NY1104 : Benchmark, Ben Garth by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Ben Garth by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1104
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the bottom of the door jamb of a... (more)
NY1004 : Flush bracket benchmark, Hermons Hill by Adrian Taylor Flush bracket benchmark, Hermons Hill by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1004
Detail of the Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark number G3100 on the corner... (more)
NY1004 : Benchmark, Hermons Hill by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Hermons Hill by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1004
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the corner of a barn at Hermons... (more)
NT1961 : Flush Bracket, Scald Law by Adrian Taylor Flush Bracket, Scald Law by Adrian Taylor
for square NT1961
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark on the triangulation pillar on the summit... (more)
NZ2085 : Benchmark, Morpeth, St. George's Church by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Morpeth, St. George's Church by Adrian Taylor
for square NZ2085
Detail of Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark number 2380 on a buttress on... (more)
SD4578 : Benchmark, Station Road, Arnside by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Station Road, Arnside by Adrian Taylor
for square SD4578
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the base of the former railway... (more)
SJ3590 : Benchmark, Skelhorne Street by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Skelhorne Street by Adrian Taylor
for square SJ3590
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the boundary wall of Lime Street... (more)
NY3237 : Benchmark, Nether Row Hall by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Nether Row Hall by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3237
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the northeast angle, east face of... (more)
NY3238 : Benchmark, Wath by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Wath by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3238
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the southwest corner, west face... (more)
J2092 : Flush Bracket, Browndod Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Browndod Triangulation Pillar by Rossographer
for square J2092
Flush bracket bench mark on Browndod Triangulation Pillar J2092 : Browndod Triangulation Pillar. The mark... (more)
NY3853 : Benchmark, Cummersdale School by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Cummersdale School by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3853
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the southwest face of Cummersdale... (more)
NY3952 : Benchmark, Hill House, Cummersdale by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Hill House, Cummersdale by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3952
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the south angle, southwest face... (more)
ST5814 : Benchmark, St. Mary the Virgin Church, Bradford Abbas by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St. Mary the Virgin Church, Bradford Abbas by Adrian Taylor
for square ST5814
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the southwest angle, south face... (more)
SD5364 : Benchmark, Caton Methodist Church by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Caton Methodist Church by Adrian Taylor
for square SD5364
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the south angle of Caton... (more)
SD5193 : Benchmark, Aikrigg End Bridge, Burneside Road by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Aikrigg End Bridge, Burneside Road by Adrian Taylor
for square SD5193
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the limestone south pillar of the... (more)
SE2933 : Benchmark, Great Northern Hotel, Leeds by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Great Northern Hotel, Leeds by Adrian Taylor
for square SE2933
Detail of the slightly weathered Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the north face... (more)
SK3389 : Benchmark, Hillsborough Bridge by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Hillsborough Bridge by Adrian Taylor
for square SK3389
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark at the southeast end of the... (more)
SE3044 : Benchmark, Terrace Cottage, Harewood Park by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Terrace Cottage, Harewood Park by Adrian Taylor
for square SE3044
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the east angle, southwest face of... (more)
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