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Tag:  B1122  

Showing latest 50 of 285 images tagged with B1122 tag.

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TM4462 : B1122 High Street, Leiston by Geographer B1122 High Street, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4462
At the junction with Valley Road & B1122 Main Street
TM4462 : B1122 Main Street, Leiston by Geographer B1122 Main Street, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4462
Looking towards the B1069 Park Hill, B1122 Station Road & B1119 Waterloo... (more)
TM4464 : Roadsign on the B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer Roadsign on the B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer
geograph for square TM4464
At the junction with Potter's Street
TM4462 : Valley Road sign by Geographer Valley Road sign by Geographer
for square TM4462
On Valley Road at the junction with the B1122 High Street & B1122 Main Street
TM4462 : B1122 High Street, Leiston by Geographer B1122 High Street, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4462
Near Leiston United Reformed Church
TM4461 : B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Leiston by Geographer B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4461
At the junction with Kingfisher Place
TM4461 : Leiston Town Name sign on the B1122 Aldeburgh Road by Geographer Leiston Town Name sign on the B1122 Aldeburgh Road by Geographer
for square TM4461
TM4461 : B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Leiston by Geographer B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4461
At the junction with Goldings Lane
TM4460 : B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Ardringham by Geographer B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Ardringham by Geographer
geograph for square TM4460
At the junction with Gipsy & Flitche's Lanes
TM4460 : B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham by Geographer B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham by Geographer
geograph for square TM4460
At the junction with Gypsy and Fitches Lanes
TM4459 : Aldeburgh Town Name sign by Geographer Aldeburgh Town Name sign by Geographer
for square TM4459
On the B1122 Aldeburgh Road
TM4459 : Entering Aldeburgh on the B1122 Aldeburgh Road by Geographer Entering Aldeburgh on the B1122 Aldeburgh Road by Geographer
geograph for square TM4459
TM4459 : Aldringham Village Name sign by Geographer Aldringham Village Name sign by Geographer
for square TM4459
On the B1122 Aldeburgh Road
TM4459 : Entering Aldrington on the B1122 Aldeburgh Road by Geographer Entering Aldrington on the B1122 Aldeburgh Road by Geographer
geograph for square TM4459
TM4558 : B1122 Leiston Road & footpath by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road & footpath by Geographer
geograph for square TM4558
TM4558 : B1122 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh by Geographer
geograph for square TM4558
At the junction with Warren Hill Lane
TM4557 : B1122 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh by Geographer
geograph for square TM4557
At the junction with Linden Road
TM4558 : B1122 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh by Geographer
geograph for square TM4558
At the junction with Warren Hill Lane
TM4557 : B1122 Leiston Road & Leiston Road Postbox by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road & Leiston Road Postbox by Geographer
geograph for square TM4557
Postbox No.IP15 4670
TM4557 : B1122 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh by Geographer
geograph for square TM4557
TM4557 : B1122 Leiston Road & Leiston Road Postbox by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road & Leiston Road Postbox by Geographer
geograph for square TM4557
Postbox No.IP15 4670
TM4557 : B1122 Leiston Road & Leiston Road Postbox by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road & Leiston Road Postbox by Geographer
geograph for square TM4557
Postbox No.IP15 4670
TM4557 : B1122 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road, Aldeburgh by Geographer
geograph for square TM4557
At the junction with Linden Road
TM4460 : Roadsign on the B1122 Aldeburgh Road by Geographer Roadsign on the B1122 Aldeburgh Road by Geographer
for square TM4460
At the junction with the B1353
TM4461 : B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Ardringham by Geographer B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Ardringham by Geographer
geograph for square TM4461
At the junction with the B1353
TM4068 : Yoxford Village Name sign on the B1122 Middleton Road by Geographer Yoxford Village Name sign on the B1122 Middleton Road by Geographer
for square TM4068
TM4068 : Entering Yoxford on the B1122 Middleton Road by Geographer Entering Yoxford on the B1122 Middleton Road by Geographer
geograph for square TM4068
TM4366 : Theberton Village Name sign on the B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer Theberton Village Name sign on the B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer
for square TM4366
TM4366 : B1122 Leiston Road, Theberton by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road, Theberton by Geographer
geograph for square TM4366
TM4366 : Entering Theberton on the B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer Entering Theberton on the B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer
geograph for square TM4366
TM4461 : B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham by Geographer B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham by Geographer
geograph for square TM4461
Looking towards Leiston at the junction with Aldringham Park
TM4461 : B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham by Geographer B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham by Geographer
geograph for square TM4461
Looking towards the B1353 Aldringham Lane
TM4461 : Bridleway to the B1353 Aldringham Lane by Geographer Bridleway to the B1353 Aldringham Lane by Geographer
geograph for square TM4461
Off the B1122 Aldeburgh Road taken from the junction with Aldringham Park
TM4462 : B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Leiston by Geographer B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4462
Looking towards Leiston at the junction with Red House Lane
TM4366 : B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer
geograph for square TM4366
At the junction with Theberton Hall Farm entrance
TM4462 : B1122 Main Street, Leiston by Geographer B1122 Main Street, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4462
Looking towards the B1069 Park Hill, B1122 Station Road & B1119 Waterloo Avenue
TM4462 : B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Leiston by Geographer B1122 Aldeburgh Road, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4462
Looking towards the junction with Kings Road at the junction with Seaward Avenue
TM4462 : Seaward Avenue, Leiston by Geographer Seaward Avenue, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4462
At the junction with the B1122 Aldeburgh Road
TM4463 : B1122 Abbey Road, Leiston by Geographer B1122 Abbey Road, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4463
At the junction with Lovers Lane (U2822)
TM4463 : B1122 Abbey Road & Abbey Road George V Postbox by Geographer B1122 Abbey Road & Abbey Road George V Postbox by Geographer
geograph for square TM4463
Postbox No.IP16 4664
TM4463 : B1122 Abbey Road & Abbey Road George V Postbox by Geographer B1122 Abbey Road & Abbey Road George V Postbox by Geographer
geograph for square TM4463
Post Box No.IP16 4664
TM4463 : B1122 Abbey Road, Leiston by Geographer B1122 Abbey Road, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4463
Looking towards Abbey Lane near the footpath to Abbey Lane
Tags: looking towards:Abbey LaneX   Abbey LaneX   Abbey RoadX   B Road (Classified B)X   B1122   B1122 Abbey RoadX   FootpathX   at:LeistonX   top:PathsX   subject:RoadX   top:Roads, Road TransportX  
TM4463 : B1122 Abbey Road, Leiston by Geographer B1122 Abbey Road, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4463
TM4462 : B1122 Station Road, Leiston by Geographer B1122 Station Road, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4462
At the junction with Westward Ho
TM4462 : Westward Ho, Leiston by Geographer Westward Ho, Leiston by Geographer
geograph for square TM4462
At the junction with the B1122 Abbey/Station Road Road No.U2416
TM4365 : B1122 Leiston Road, Theberton by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road, Theberton by Geographer
geograph for square TM4365
At the junction with Church Road (U2834) looking towards Middleton
TM4464 : B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer
geograph for square TM4464
Looking towards Theberton at the junction with Potter's Street
TM4464 : B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer
geograph for square TM4464
At the junction with Potter's Street
TM4465 : B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer
geograph for square TM4465
Looking towards Leiston at the junction with Moat Road
TM4465 : B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer B1122 Leiston Road by Geographer
geograph for square TM4465
Looking towards Theberton at the junction with Moat Road
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