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Showing latest 50 of 318 images tagged with Ashby De La Zouch tag.

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SK3616 : Ashby Castle – Kitchen Tower fireplace by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – Kitchen Tower fireplace by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
Apart from baking of bread and pastry items, all cooking was done on open... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – Kitchen Tower interior by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – Kitchen Tower interior by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
The size of the kitchen space can be gained from the remains of the vaulting.... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – well in the Kitchen Tower by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – well in the Kitchen Tower by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
This ensured a secure water supply in the event of a siege.
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – kitchen cellars by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – kitchen cellars by Alan Murray-Rust
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Accessible via a tunnel from the Hastings tower... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – the chapel, interior by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – the chapel, interior by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK3616
Thought to be the earliest part of Lord Hastings' development, possibly as... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – the chapel by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – the chapel by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
Thought to be the earliest part of Lord Hastings' development, possibly as... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – fireplace in the great chamber by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – fireplace in the great chamber by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
Ornate 15th century decoration. See Link for location.
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – the great chamber by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – the great chamber by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
Developed in the 15th century as two levels of withdrawing apartments as an... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – the great hall passage by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – the great hall passage by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK3616
This is part of the pre-Hastings manor house. The passage ran across the western... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – medieval re-enactment by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – medieval re-enactment by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
The lord and lady of the castle are being served with a formal 'banquet' meal.
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – medieval re-enactment by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – medieval re-enactment by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
The lord and lady of the castle are to be served with a formal 'banquet' meal.
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – the eastern courtyard by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – the eastern courtyard by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK3616
During a medieval re-enactment event. The Hastings tower is in the background.
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – the eastern courtyard by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – the eastern courtyard by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK3616
During a medieval re-enactment event. The castle chapel is on the right.
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – the gardens from the Hastings tower by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – the gardens from the Hastings tower by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK3616
This part of the gardens was originally laid out as a formal garden. The small... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – eastern courtyard from above by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – eastern courtyard from above by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK3616
The colourful tents were part of a medieval enactment event.
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – graffiti, Hastings tower – 2 by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – graffiti, Hastings tower – 2 by Alan Murray-Rust
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19th century and earlier, showing far more attention to style than modern... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – graffiti, Hastings tower – 1 by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – graffiti, Hastings tower – 1 by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
The modern graffiti is far less well formed than some of the earlier instances.... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – Hastings tower interior, upper floor by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – Hastings tower interior, upper floor by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
The fireplace belonged to the family's private chamber.
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – Hastings tower interior by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – Hastings tower interior by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
The first floor room with vaulting was the kitchen, additional to the separate... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – earthworks in the gardens by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – earthworks in the gardens by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK3616
Investigations in 2008 reached a conclusion that the gardens were most probably... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – general view from the south by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – general view from the south by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK3616
Kitchen tower to the left, Hastings tower to the right. The tents and arena are... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – banqueting tower by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – banqueting tower by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK3616
One of two brick towers probably built at the time that the gardens were laid... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle – kitchen tower by Alan Murray-Rust Ashby Castle – kitchen tower by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3616
The traceried windows on the upper floor indicate that the top storey included... (more)
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch Fallen Knight Restaurant & Hotel by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch Fallen Knight Restaurant & Hotel by the bitterman
geograph for square SK3516
Hotel & Restaurant on Kilwardby Street
SK3516 : 'Petesparty' at the Shoulder of Mutton, Ashby by Stephen Mills 'Petesparty' at the Shoulder of Mutton, Ashby by Stephen Mills
geograph for square SK3516
A small charity festival in Ashby de-la Zouch, which raised awareness of... (more)
SK3316 : Ashby-de-la-Zouch, viewed from Norris Hill by Oliver Mills Ashby-de-la-Zouch, viewed from Norris Hill by Oliver Mills
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The view of Ashby-de-la-Zouch from Moira/Norris Hill does not include any of the... (more)
Tags: place:AshbyX   Ashby De La Zouch   type:Cross GridX   subject:Housing EstateX   top:Housing, DwellingsX   MoiraX   Moira RoadX   subject:RoadX   top:Roads, Road TransportX  
SK3515 : A42 near Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Oliver Mills A42 near Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3515
Between junction 12 and 13, viewed from the bridleway footbridge between... (more)
Tags: road:A42X   place:AshbyX   Ashby De La Zouch   subject:BridgeX   subject:BridlewayX   type:GeographX   PackingtonX   top:PathsX   subject:RoadX   bridge:Road BridgeX   top:Roads, Road TransportX  
SK3516 : Our Lady of Lourdes church, Ashby de la Zouch by Oliver Mills Our Lady of Lourdes church, Ashby de la Zouch by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
A view of the Catholic church in Ashby de la Zouch, taken from the bath grounds.
SK3616 : Leicester to Burton railway from Ashby de la Zouch - Eastern view by Oliver Mills Leicester to Burton railway from Ashby de la Zouch - Eastern view by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3616
A view of the railway that passes through Ashby de la Zouch. The railway crosses... (more)
SK3616 : Leicester to Burton railway from Ashby de la Zouch - Western view by Oliver Mills Leicester to Burton railway from Ashby de la Zouch - Western view by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3616
A view of the railway that passes through Ashby de la Zouch. The railway station... (more)
SK3516 : Stuart Way, Ashby de-la Zouch by Oliver Mills Stuart Way, Ashby de-la Zouch by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
The small group of modern houses, built around 2006, within the large, 1970s... (more)
SK3516 : An old building in Ashby de-la Zouch by Oliver Mills An old building in Ashby de-la Zouch by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
An old utility building in Ashby de-la Zouch. Avenue road is in the background,... (more)
SK3516 : Bath Street and a diversion, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Oliver Mills Bath Street and a diversion, Ashby-de-la-Zouch by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Showing a road diversion during the Christmas food festival. This diversion... (more)
SK3616 : Earthworks, Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle by Philip Halling Earthworks, Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle by Philip Halling
geograph for square SK3616
Earthworks in the grounds of Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle.
SK3616 : Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle by Philip Halling Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle by Philip Halling
geograph for square SK3616
The ruins of the keep of Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle.
Tags: castle:Ashby-De-La-ZouchX   subject:CastleX   CastleX   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX  
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch police station by Oliver Mills Ashby de la Zouch police station by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
The police station at south street, in Ashby de la Zouch.
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch Railway Pub by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch Railway Pub by the bitterman
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Pub on Tamworth Road
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch Shoulder of Mutton Pub by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch Shoulder of Mutton Pub by the bitterman
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II Listed pub on Market Street
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch Plough Inn by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch Plough Inn by the bitterman
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Pub located on North Street
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch White Hart Pub by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch White Hart Pub by the bitterman
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II listed Marstons pub on Market Street
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch Queens Head Pub by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch Queens Head Pub by the bitterman
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II Listed Pub on Market Street
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch Lamb Pub by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch Lamb Pub by the bitterman
geograph for square SK3516
Grade II listed building on Market Street
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch George Pub by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch George Pub by the bitterman
geograph for square SK3516
Pub in Market Street, called Zeus Bar until recently, the Old George before that.
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch Bulls Head Pub by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch Bulls Head Pub by the bitterman
geograph for square SK3516
Modernised Grade II Listed building on Market Street
SK3516 : Ashby de la Zouch Bowling Green Pub by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch Bowling Green Pub by the bitterman
geograph for square SK3516
Pub on Brook Street
SK3517 : Ashby de la Zouch Blue Bell Pub by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch Blue Bell Pub by the bitterman
geograph for square SK3517
Marstons pub on The Callis
SK3417 : Ashby de la Zouch Beeches Pub by the bitterman Ashby de la Zouch Beeches Pub by the bitterman
geograph for square SK3417
Modern diners pub on the Burton Road
SK3416 : A derelict barn, Ashby de-la Zouch by Oliver Mills A derelict barn, Ashby de-la Zouch by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3416
An outbuilding in a farm, on the outskirts of Ashby de-la Zouch.
SK3516 : Cricket in the Bath Grounds, Ashby by Oliver Mills Cricket in the Bath Grounds, Ashby by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3516
Cricket matches are regularly held at the Bath Grounds, by the Ashby Hastings... (more)
SK3616 : Ashby Castle Lawn tennis club by Oliver Mills Ashby Castle Lawn tennis club by Oliver Mills
geograph for square SK3616
The tennis courts, west of Ashby Castle. In the distance (centre) is the... (more)
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