Tag: Wind·Turbines
Showing latest 50 of 4,514 images tagged with Wind Turbines tag.
0715 Solway Firth Wind Farm
by M J Richardson for square NX9042 Category: Wind turbines 60 turbines planted on the shallow sands of the Solway Firth. For another image,... (more)
Scout Moor Wind Farm
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD8218 Category: Wind farm The tower in the foreground is Turbine No 17 which was the penultimate tower to... (more)
Scout Moor Wind Farm Delivery Market Street Edenfield
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD7919 Category: Wind turbines On Wednesday 21st November 2007 the first delivery of 26 wind turbine towers... (more)
Wind turbine, moorland and forestry
by M J Richardson geograph for square NT0058 Turbine 4 of Pates Hill Wind Farm. The forestry is on Pearie Law.
top:Energy InfrastructureX
Forestry PlantationX
Pates HillX
place:West LothianX
subject:Wind FarmX
Wind FarmX
Wind TurbineX
top:Woodland, ForestX
Pates Hill Wind Farm
by M J Richardson geograph for square NT0058 Turbines 7 and 6.
top:Energy InfrastructureX
Pates HillX
place:West LothianX
Wind FarmX
subject:Wind FarmX
Wind Turbines
Pates Hill Wind Farm
by M J Richardson geograph for square NT0058 The control station and turbines 5, 6 and 7. The rain was just starting.
top:Energy InfrastructureX
place:West LothianX
subject:Wind FarmX
Wind FarmX
Wind Turbines
Wind farms in the Irish Sea
by M J Richardson for square SC9864 The 30-turbine Ormonde wind farm SD0666 : Ormonde Windfarm in the Irish Sea and the 102-turbine Walney Phase 1... (more)
Aerial PhotographX
top:Energy InfrastructureX
top:Estuary, MarineX
Irish SeaX
Wind FarmsX
Wind Turbines
Moorland near Loch Ṃr a' Cḥcair
by M J Richardson geograph for square NB3434 Looking north from the Pentland Road. The wind turbine is the westmost of the... (more)
Blanket BogX
top:Energy InfrastructureX
place:Isle of LewisX
top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX
Rathad a PhentlandX
Wind TurbineX
Wind turbines
by M J Richardson for square NS9958 A set of seven near Pate's Hill.
Aerial PhotographX
top:Energy InfrastructureX
Forestry PlantationsX
place:South LanarkshireX
Wind Turbines
top:Woodland, ForestX
Wind farm near Hendry's Corse
by M J Richardson for square NS9958 Seven turbines just west of Cobbinshaw Reservoir, near Woolfords Cottages.
Aerial PhotographX
top:Energy InfrastructureX
Forestry PlantationsX
place:South LanarkshireX
Wind Turbines
top:Woodland, ForestX
The Second Blade for Turbine No 11 Arrives on Site
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD8218 Category: Construction site The second turbine blade for Tower No 11 is seen here arriving on site after its... (more)
Turbine No 26 from Whittle Pike
by Paul Anderson for square SD8219 Category: Wind turbines Turbine Tower No 26 is the most northern of all the wind turbines on Scout Moor.... (more)
Turbine Convoy passing through Bridge Mills
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD8019 Category: Wind turbines This convoy of Turbine Tower sections is seen here passing through Bridge Mills... (more)
Working 60 metres up on Turbine Tower No 10
by Paul Anderson for square SD8417 Category: Wind turbines An engineer with a head for heights works on the hub of turbine tower No 10... (more)
A ruined skyline
by Richard Webb for square NT6467 The supposedly minimal impact wind farm on Dunbar Common - see NT6163 : Nothing yet!,... (more)
Ormonde Windfarm in the Irish Sea
by M J Richardson for square SD0666 Thirty 126 m diam. turbines off Walney Island. Owned by Vattenfall Wind Power... (more)
Aerial PhotographX
top:Energy InfrastructureX
top:Estuary, MarineX
Irish SeaX
Offshore WindfarmX
Wind Turbines
Wind turbines on Glenlood Hill
by M J Richardson for square NT0927 Seven of the eleven turbines, looking towards Kingledores in the Tweed valley.
Aerial PhotographX
top:Energy InfrastructureX
Scottish BordersX
Wind Turbines
Wind turbine, Bangor (1)
by Albert Bridge for square J5079 The operational wind turbine (previously seen in J5079 : Wind turbine, Bangor from a different... (more)
Looking towards the valley of the Kirtle Water
by M J Richardson geograph for square NY2272 Category: Landscape Typical Borders and Dumfries & Galloway landscape of mixed farming, woodland... (more)
Turbine Convoy enroute to Scout Moor
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD7919 Category: Road junction At the junction of Burnley Road and Blackburn Road in Edenfield a police car... (more)
Nacelle of Turbine Tower No 26
by Paul Anderson for square SD8219 Category: Wind turbines An engineer is seen working inside the nacelle of Turbine No 26.
The nacelle... (more)
Turbine Blade Convoy Passing through Edenfield
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD7919 Category: Road scene A convoy of three 40 metre 8 ton blades for Turbine No 26 is seen here passing... (more)
Turbine Blade Delivery Passing through Edenfield
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD7919 Category: Road scene A convoy of three 40 metre 8 ton blades for Turbine No 26 is seen here passing... (more)
Scout Moor Turbine Towers 15 and 21
by Paul Anderson for square SD8318 Category: Wind farm Looking North West from the top of tower No 10.
On the left is tower No 15... (more)
Working on the hub 60 metres up.
by Paul Anderson for square SD8417 Category: Wind turbines The engineer works on the hub of tower No 10 after the blades were fitted... (more)
Turbine tower section passing Edenfield Primary School
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD7919 Category: Road scene A turbine tower section passes through Edenfield on its way up to the Scout Moor... (more)
Moorland and rough grazing near Fauldhouse
by M J Richardson geograph for square NS9058 With windturbines on Whaup Knowe, Black Hill and Auchterhead Muir beyond the A71... (more)
top:Energy InfrastructureX
place:North LanarkshireX
Wind Turbines
top:Woodland, ForestX
Installing Gearbox , Rotor Shaft and Disk Brake Assembly
by Paul Anderson for square SD8218 Category: Wind turbines At 60 metres up from the ground the crane lifts the huge 12 ton gearbox and disk... (more)
Last Turbine Tower Delivery to Scout Moor
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD7919 Category: River scene On Saturday the 31st of May 2008 the last of the twenty six turbine towers was... (more)
Turbine tower sections heading for Scout Moor
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD7921 Category: Wind turbines This convoy of turbine tower sections has just left the A56 and has turned on to... (more)
Orbis Energy Centre and wind turbine
by Mat Fascione geograph for square TM5593 The Gulliver wind turbine is the tallest wind turbine in the UK at (126m / 413ft).
Energy CentreX
top:Energy InfrastructureX
subject:Wind TurbineX
Wind TurbineX
Gulliver wind turbine at Ness Point, Lowestoft
by Mat Fascione geograph for square TM5593 The Gulliver wind turbine is the tallest wind turbine in the UK at (126m /... (more)
top:Energy InfrastructureX
subject:Wind TurbineX
Wind TurbineX
Wind Turbine and Knowl Hill
by David Dixon geograph for square SD8316 Close-up to the wind turbines, one begins to appreciate their sheer magnitude... (more)
top:Energy InfrastructureX
Knowl HillX
Knowl MoorX
Wind FarmX
Wind TurbineX
Turbine Blade Delivery to Tower No 23
by Paul Anderson for square SD8218 Category: Wind farm June the 7th 2008 was an historic day on Scout Moor as construction of the wind... (more)
Completed Turbine Tower No 17 on Scout Moor
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD8218 Category: Wind farm Turbine Tower No 17 was the penultimate tower of the 26 towers to be built on... (more)
Wind Turbine#4 at Scout Moor Wind Farm
by David Dixon geograph for square SD8417 Looking towards Rochdale, Wind turbine tower number 4 is in the foreground.... (more)
Wind Turbines 5 and 4 at Scout Moor Wind Farm
by David Dixon geograph for square SD8417 Looking towards Rochdale. Wind turbines number 5 (nearest the camera) and number... (more)
Wind turbine, Mallusk, Newtownabbey (1)
by Albert Bridge geograph for square J2883 A wind turbine, commissioned in 2011, at commercial premises at Mallusk. The... (more)
The Final Turbine Blade Arrives on Scout Moor
by Paul Anderson geograph for square SD8218 Category: Wind farm This was the moment when the 78th and final turbine blade was delivered to Scout... (more)
Wind Turbines in Liverpool Bay
by David Dixon for square SD0901 Petrochemicals tanker Songo Opal is passing one of the turbines on the western... (more)
East High Street, Buckhaven and the Levenmouth Wind Turbine
by Oliver Dixon geograph for square NT3698 The telecommunications mast and the wind turbine are both sited within the Fife... (more)
top:Energy InfrastructureX
High StreetX
top:Housing, DwellingsX
top:Suburb, Urban FringeX
Suburban HousingX
subject:Wind TurbineX
Wind TurbineX
Wind turbines, Carrowdore/Ballywalter (August 2017)
by Albert Bridge for square J6072 Two wind turbines seen from this gate J6172 : Field gate, Ballyferis near Ballywalter (August 2017). The following planning... (more)
type:Cross GridX
top:Energy InfrastructureX
top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX
subject:Wind TurbineX
Wind Turbines
Pylons and Turbines
by David Dixon geograph for square SD9619 Looking westwards from the Pennine Way, along the line of pylons crossing... (more)
Chelburn MoorX
Electricity PylonsX
top:Energy InfrastructureX
camera:Panasonic DMC-G7X
Scout Moor Wind FarmX
Wind FarmX
Wind Turbines
Windfarm access road
by Richard Dorrell geograph for square NG3547 Looking south down the main windfarm access road.
top:Energy InfrastructureX
place:Isle of SkyeX
top:Roads, Road TransportX
Wind Turbines
Wind Turbines at Scout Moor Wind Farm
by David Dixon geograph for square SD8417 Looking towards Rochdale.
Each of the turbines stands 300 feet high in total... (more)
Scout Moor Wind Farm, Turbine number 1 and Knowl Hill
by David Dixon geograph for square SD8316 Looking towards Knowl Hill SD8416, past the base of number 1 turbine on the... (more)
Wind Turbine
by David Dixon geograph for square SD8316 Looking from the path at Cheesden Edge, towards wind turbine No 1 at the Scout... (more)
Knowl Moor, wind turbine and access track
by David Dixon geograph for square SD8317 Each of the turbines stands 300 feet high in total (200 feet tower and 100 feet... (more)
Knowl Moor, Wind Turbine
by David Dixon geograph for square SD8317 Each of the turbines stands 300 feet high in total (200 feet tower and 100 feet... (more)
Wind turbine, Knocknagulliagh near Whitehead - July 2017(2)
by Albert Bridge for square J4690 An agricultural wind turbine between Quay Lane and the railway. The following... (more)
type:Close LookX
top:Energy InfrastructureX
top:Farm, Fishery, Market GardeningX
subject:Wind TurbineX
Wind TurbineX