TL1998 :
All photos on Geograph are Creative Commons licensed. In general, as long as you credit the photographer (see below) when you use the image, you can use it for most purposes.
You can download the image without the credit, but will need to make sure you credit the image manually.
Using this image requires you comply with the Licence requirements, unless have explicit permission from the copyright holder.
Here is a sample credit, can directly copy/paste, with or without the links: (scroll down the page, for more detailed instructions)
Peterborough War Memorial on Bridge Street, taken Saturday, 25 June, 2016
cc-by-sa/2.0 -
© Geographer - geograph.org.uk/p/5009564
Photo © Geographer (cc-by-sa/2.0)
Download: 640x480px jpeg · 800 · 1024 · 1600 · 3000 · FullSize (3072x2304 px) (Filesize: 1,922,346 bytes)
- Under the Creative Commons Licence, the image must be credited to Geographer. An example of good wording for web use (including the hyperlinks) is shown in the above box.
- You should also mention that the photo is copyrighted but also licensed for further reuse.
- If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a similar licence.
- CAUTION: You may require further permissions to reuse images, especially those taken on private property, for instance the National Trust. Do not assume that the Creative Commons Licence is sufficient permission for your intended reuse, particularly if that reuse is commercial.
Web based project?
- We do ask you to be polite and not abuse the Geograph website resources.
Hotlinkingthe image directly off our servers will trigger automatic watermarks and may be blocked
- Reading this page wanting to figure how to scrape images? DON'T! We have proper APIs if you want to download images. Automated access to this page is likly to be blocked, not to mention unreliable.
- ideally include a link to our photo page, at https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5009564, where the latest information will be available.
Example HTML snippet, for use on a website
(please remember to download and host your own copy of the image, rather than hotlinking it from Geograph servers)Wikipedia Template for image page.
You can directly upload this image to Wikimedia Commons
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