SO7193 : Bridgnorth - Clocktower just east of the bridge over the Severn
taken 3 years ago, near to Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England
This is 1 of 80 images, with title starting with Bridgnorth in this square
Bridgnorth - Clocktower just east of the bridge over the Severn
This clocktower is to be found just to the east of the bridge over the Severn in Bridgnorth. It was erected in 1949, and a plaque on it states:
"To the memory of two great engineers.
Richard Trevithick b.1771-d.1833 inventor of the high pressure steam engine
John Urpeth Rastrick b.1780-d.1856 great railway engineer
Near this spot in Hazeldine's foundry Rastrick built in 1808 to Trevithick's design the world's first passenger locomotive engine.
Erected Nov. 1949"
"To the memory of two great engineers.
Richard Trevithick b.1771-d.1833 inventor of the high pressure steam engine
John Urpeth Rastrick b.1780-d.1856 great railway engineer
Near this spot in Hazeldine's foundry Rastrick built in 1808 to Trevithick's design the world's first passenger locomotive engine.
Erected Nov. 1949"