SP1582 : Hatchford Brook restoration, Elmdon Park
taken 5 months ago, near to Elmdon, Solihull, England
Hatchford Brook restoration, Elmdon Park
The Hatchford Brook flows northwards through Elmdon Park and a green corridor between the suburbs towards Coventry Road, Birmingham Airport and, eventually, the River Cole. An information board explains how it the brook has been 're-naturalised'. The straight, steep-sided concrete channel (see
SP1382 : Unrestored Hatchford Brook, Olton Jubilee Park for a nearby example) has been replaced by a more meandering course with shallower sides, backwater channels, pools and riffles (shallower areas with pebbles), all of which should provide a better environment for fish and invertebrates. This work was part-funded by the EU European Regional Development Fund. The flowers seen here are purple loosestrife.
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