SN9364 : Suspension bridge crossing the Afon Elan
taken 7 months ago, near to Elan Village, Powys, Wales
Suspension bridge crossing the Afon Elan
The bridge was built by the Birmingham Water Corporation in 1904 to provide access to the workers' village during the construction of the Elan Valley Reservoir complex. This is the third replacement of the original bridge and is of a lightweight steel lattice construction with cable suspension. Ownership of the bridge, and responsibility for the structural maintenance, rested with Welsh Water although responsibility for the maintenance of the surface of the bridge was accepted by Radnorshire County Council in 1955. An assessment of the bridge, undertaken during the 1980s, identified that key structural components were likely to fail under loading. Consequently, the bridge was closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic in 1988 and a "temporary" Bailey Bridge was erected alongside to maintain access to the village. It was reported in 2004
Link that it will not be demolished. Powys Council has adopted the bailey bridge as a public highway which means that all public rights over the suspension bridge now owned by the Elan Valley Trust have been removed. If and when any restoration work will be carried out is a matter of conjecture.
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