NY9363 : Work resumes - looking west up Priestpopple
taken 12 months ago, near to Hexham, Northumberland, England
The main traffic artery and shopping street in Hexham (B6305) is somewhat confusingly known under three names - Priestpopple at the eastern end, Battle Hill at the western end, and Cattle Market, a very short section between Broadgates and Eastgate in the middle.
Major works along these streets is being undertaken from late 2023 to early 2024 under the guise of a street reconstruction scheme through the Hexham High Streets Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ), part of a national £95 million government-funded programme, led by Historic England, designed to secure lasting improvements and rejuvenate historic high streets.
To facilitate the work, Battle Hill, Cattle Market and Priestpopple have been reduced to one-way working west to east. Whereas eastbound traffic is flowing freely as a result, traffic through the town centre from east to west, and from east to south via Eastgate (B6306) is subject to congestion and delays on Station Road.
The work was suspended during December 2023 to avoid disruption to the Christmas trading period only to be resumed early in January 2024.