SJ8491 : A Walk In Didsbury Village (12) ALDI
taken 2 years ago, near to Didsbury, Manchester, England
This is 1 of 18 images, with title starting with A Walk In Didsbury Village in this square
A Walk In Didsbury Village (12) ALDI
ALDI Supermarket. The supermarket is the modern general store in a sense, I think. In the past a shopping street in town had separate shops which it was necessary to visit or even to order from (delivery boys on bikes long ago) but have been more or less wiped out in many places by the supermarket. Convenience stores - definition (USA) "a retail business that provides the public with a convenient location to quickly purchase a wide variety of consumable products and services, generally food and gasoline". "Quickly purchase" "a range" are the key phrases? Who would want to spend their time today going from shop to shop and queueing perhaps to accumulate the day's shopping? Better to get it all in one shop in one go, so the reasons for the rise of the supermarket are obvious. Open until 10.00 p.m. too, when in the past, respectable folk were tucked up in bed. The potential social downside was an inevitable consequence. However, in Didsbury, as will become evident, local shoppers still have both options and they clearly use them. ALDI, German owned multinational, cutely has a Union Jack emblazoned with "Championing British Quality". I once bought a water pump from them and sundry other unusual items which they (used to?) stock from time to time. Nowadays, I don't even enter supermarkets, just have deliveries. Science fiction futures are almost passé. And that is without mentioning the smartphone or AI. Could be a couple of flowering cherry trees in front of the sign?
Next in series SJ8491 : A Walk in Didsbury Village (13) Flower Containers Didsbury in Bloom
Next in series SJ8491 : A Walk in Didsbury Village (13) Flower Containers Didsbury in Bloom