SO5659 : Pudleston Court (Lodge)
taken 2 years ago, near to Pudleston, County of Herefordshire, England
This is 1 of 2 images, with title Pudleston Court (Lodge) in this square
Pudleston Court (Lodge)
The rear of the flanking lodges at the east entrance to Pudleston Court, built of sandstone rubble in 1846. The gateway, flanking lodges and flanking walls were grade II listed in July 1975, but BritishListedBuildings lists them as "not listed" as of February 2023; is this because of the two storey conservatory structures attached to the buildings? The lodges are now known as Adam Lodge and Eve Lodge, and they take their name from the adjacent oak trees by St. Peter parish church, described as the "two oldest oak trees in Herefordshire" on an information board at Pudleston village hall.