NS2842 : A78 approaching Pennyburn Roundabout
taken 5 years ago, near to Stevenston, North Ayrshire, Scotland
A78 approaching Pennyburn Roundabout
The A78 runs for 42 miles between Greenock and Prestwick. For much of its route, it follows the northern section of the Ayrshire coast. Although it is classified as a primary road throughout its length, the standard varies. Much of the road is single carriageway, both for a short distance through Greenock and a 21-mile stretch between Inverkip and Ardrossan. The rest is dual carriageway; between the Eglinton and Warrix interchanges there are in fact 3 lanes in each direction, and the road is constructed to motorway standard (with full grade separation at junctions) except for a lack of hard shoulders.
See other images of The A78 Road
See other images of The A78 Road