The coastal path from Portpatrick to Dunskey Castle follows a narrow ridge between the sea cliffs and an old railway cutting. At one point the ridge is broken by a deep chasm crossed by this footbridge. This is a view of the footbridge from the old cutting.
Was Dunskey Castle built earlier. Portrie / Portree / Portrye, Wigtownshire, Scotland granted to Thomas Adair (Odeir) c.1306-1329. ref. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, Vol. I AD1306-1424 p.555, Appendix 2. No. 681: Index A. From old vol. XXII Fol. 25 verso - Ane Littill small skine quahirin ar conteinet certane complaintis of deforcementis and of haldingis of landis quhilkis ar decydit be the parliament. Carta (charter or deed) Thome Odeir de terris de Kildonan (adjoined Drummore) Dromin (Drummore Castle), Porthie (Portrie = Dunskey & Kilhilt) It may have earlier been in the hands of de Curry who was granted Wigton Castle.