SZ5284 : Site of Merstone Station, Isle of Wight
taken 4 years ago, near to Merstone, Isle of Wight, England
The Red Squirrel Trail is a 32-mile cycling trail on the Isle of Wight, stretching from Cowes through Newport to Sandown, then looping back through Shanklin and Godshill to Newport and back to Cowes. Most of the route is traffic free and parts of it use former railway lines, with gentle gradients, although there are some steeper climbs between Shanklin and Godshill where the trail uses bridleways and tracks.
More information about the Red Squirrel Trail can be found here: Link
National Cycle Network route 23 is a north-south route linking Reading, Basingstoke, Winchester and Southampton. There is a further section on the Isle of Wight from the ferry terminal at East Cowes to Wroxall, passing through Cowes, Newport and Shanklin. The Isle of Wight section forms part of the Red Squirrel Trail.
More information on Sustrans' website: Link
The National Cycle Network is a network of cycle routes. It was created by the charity Sustrans Link (Sustainable Transport), aided by a National Lottery grant.
Many routes aim to minimise contact with motor traffic, though 70% of them are on roads. In some cases the NCN uses pedestrian routes, disused railways, minor roads, canal towpaths, or traffic-calmed routes in towns and cities.