SY6782 : NCN26 cycle route and railway into Weymouth
taken 4 years ago, near to Broadwey, Dorset, England
NCN26 cycle route and railway into Weymouth
Geographical Context:
Suburb, Urban fringe
Primary Subject:
Cycle Route
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- Grid Square
- SY6782, 20 images (more nearby 🔍)
- Photographer
- David Smith (more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Monday, 28 September, 2020 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Saturday, 17 October, 2020
- Subject Location
OSGB36: SY 6724 8277 [10m precision]
WGS84: 50:38.6214N 2:27.8807W - Camera Location
- OSGB36: SY 67245 82839
- View Direction
- SOUTH (about 180 degrees)