SO9545 : Asda, Pershore
taken 5 years ago, near to Pershore, Worcestershire, England
This is 1 of 2 images, with title Asda, Pershore in this square
Asda, Pershore
Geographical Context:
Business, Retail, Services
City, Town centre
Primary Subject:
other tags:
Asda Supermarket
Click a tag, to view other nearby images.
- Grid Square
- SO9545, 280 images (more nearby 🔍)
- Photographer
- Alex McGregor (more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Friday, 7 August, 2020 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Friday, 18 September, 2020
- Subject Location
SO 9501 4592 [10m precision]
WGS84: 52:6.6949N 2:4.4568W - Camera Location
SO 9505 4596
- View Direction
- Southwest (about 225 degrees)