Ordnance Survey National Grid NO 6851: Red Castle.
The earliest structure on the site of Red Castle was built about 900 years ago for King William the 1st of Scotland (William the Lion) in order that his forces could repel Viking invasions. Red Castle was one of King William’s favourite places and he stayed there on a number of occasions when he was on hunting expeditions. The castle is referred to as ‘rubeum castrum’ (Latin for Red Castle) in deeds of 1286 which is a clear reference to the strikingly red coloured Old Red Sandstone blocks of which it is made.
Although Red Castle is a scheduled monument, its remains are in a perilous, if not dangerous, state and, indeed, the structure was described, in 1999, as in ‘imminent danger of collapse.’ There are overhangs of unsupported masonry and the main wall of the tower house, in particular, has a vertical fissure which, without intervention, will lead to an inevitable conclusion. Even individual building blocks of stone, particularly on exposed sea facing walls, have developed a honeycombed appearance due to differential weathering over a long period of time.
While the castle has a commanding position on top of a hill with breath-taking views, this perched position is associated with ground slippage and mass wasting. The crumbling ruin of Red Castle has further difficulties due to the combined forces of river and sea erosion at the base of the bluff or grassy knoll on which it stands. A river cliff, cut by the tidal River Lunan, has formed at the base of the hill and this marks the spot where the foundations of the castle are being particularly undermined by erosion.
Today, the ruins of Red Castle are one of Scotland’s most distinctive east coast landmarks. With falling masonry, its profile is ever changing and it has been particularly photographed since developing a Scottie dog appearance. However, in the opinion of many, it is now essential to commit substantial funds to ensure its preservation in a safe state and to make the structure a safer place for visitors.
Andrew Diack, B.A.
NO6851 : Red Castle viewed from across Lunan WaterNO6851 : River cliff on the outer bank of the River Lunan at Red Castle