HY4800 : The Italian Chapel, Lamb Holm, Orkney
taken 9 years ago, near to Graemeshall, Mainland, Orkney Islands, Scotland
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The remarkable and beautiful little chapel on Lamb Holm was built by Italian prisoners of war who had been captured during the North African campaign. There were a total of 550 Italian POWs of whom 200 were billeted on the tiny islet of Lamb Holm.
They had been moved to Orkney in 1942 to build the "Churchill Barriers" which link several islands and islets to Mainland, Orkney and make the naval base of Scapa Flow far more secure.
While on Orkney the prisoners of Camp 60 on Lamb Holm were given permission to build a place of worship. Under the brilliant leadership of Domenico Chiocchetti they transformed two old Nissen huts into a beautiful chapel, particularly remarkable considering the limited materials at their disposal. The huts were placed end-to-end making a double-length hut which was then remarkably embellished.
It was completed in 1945, shortly before the end of hostilities, with Chiocchetti remaining behind after he was released in order to finish the decoration.
In 1958, the Chapel Preservation Committee was set up by a group of Orcadians and Chiocchetti returned to the chapel he had masterminded in 1960 to assist with restoration work. When he died in 1999 a memorial requiem mass was held at the Chapel in his honour, attended by his wife and daughter.