NG3337 : Chambered cairn
taken 9 years ago, near to Struan, Isle of Skye, Scotland
This is 1 of 2 images, with title Chambered cairn in this square
Chambered cairn
This is a circular chambered cairn dating from the Neolithic period (c.4000-2000 BC). It is approximately 28m in diameter and stands roughly 3m high. The cairn material has apparently been slightly disturbed, but there is no evidence of major stone-robbing or excavation. At least four massive stones are partially visible within the body of the cairn on the E side, and these probably indicate the position of the chamber or its entrance passage. The Historic Environment, Scotland, website states: 'The monument is of national importance as a well preserved example of a chambered cairn, which has the potential to contribute to our understanding of Neolithic funerary and ritual practices. As the cairn appears to have suffered little disturbance, it may contain original funerary deposits and preserve important contemporary environmental evidence'.