SP6948 : Stream off Watling Street, Towcester
The River Tove...and how Towcester got its name. The camp on the Tove.
A great trip down memory lane for me. I lived in Towcester from the age of 4 until I went to University. We used to play and fish in the river but that was before they put all the concrete in at the banks. I lived on Watling Street West and the river used to regularly flood. I have memories of sitting on my front window sill, feet in the flood waters as it flowed down Watling Street.
SP6948 : Watling Street West, Towcester
Not to mention the Motorbike Grand Prix events at nearby Silverstone. Again from my window I would watch as the bikers wheelied up and down the main road (some with no clothes on!).
I got my first job here
SP6948 : Post Office, Towcester although I applied to deliver the post but was told by the postmaster that he couldn't employ me as I would put off the postmen, so I got to sell stamps and dog licenses for a year. No way could you use that now for an excuse!
My brother and his co-altar boy were found under a stall at the church fete after partaking in a very large amount of altar wine here
SP6948 : Roman Catholic Church, Meeting Lane, Towcester. Also the site of the most embarrassing moment of my teenage life as I discovered a pair of tights hanging out of my skirt....after I had been up for communion.
Funny what you remember!