Behind the armillary sundial and the 17th-century black mulberry tree (Morus nigra) is the eastern range of Fellows' Quad; some of the gable 'windows' are painted onto stonework. To the right, beyond the wrought-iron gate and screen, is St. Alban's Quad, built (1904-1910) on the site of Alban Hall. The sundial and mulberry tree feature in the 'Merton Time Ceremony'. The sundial lawn was originally the Warden's garden, and the privilege of walking on it is reserved for Fellows and their guests (and, obviously, the gardeners). The main part of Fellows' Garden, open to members of the College, is beyond the right of the photograph, and is much more extensive, see
SP5106 : Fellows' Garden, Merton College. A 360° "interactive panorama" (one of hundreds of camera positions all over Oxford) can be found at
Link (
Archive Link ) . The sundial has been damaged more than once in recent years and the rather ugly base is not original to it (additional information supplied by Barry Press).