HU4741 : Albert Court, Lerwick
taken 14 years ago, near to Lerwick, Mainland, Shetland Islands, Scotland
There are many lanes running mostly westwards but also eastwards from Commercial Street in Lerwick. Many of these were formerly known as "Closses" e.g. Charlotte Street was formerly Garrison Closs.
Most of these closses were renamed in 1845 by the Police Commissioners and their former names that often represented the people who had developed the town were replaced by names reflecting current politics such as "Pitt", "Reform" and "Fox". Though once largely the slum area of the town, they now comprise the heart of old Lerwick.
Most of the alleys now show both their new and old names.
As well as "closses", there are a number of "courts" and "steps" too - the latter descriptive of the many flights of steps to be found in the town.