NS3778 : Enclosure at Carman: southern side
taken 16 years ago, near to Renton, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Click on the end-note title for other views.
See Link (in a Geograph article) for more information. The enclosure was associated with Carman House (a former farmstead), and is part of a larger field system; see Link for views of that field system, and Link for the remains of Carman House itself.
See Linkfor an annotated satellite view that is centred on the enclosure (which is marked in dark blue).
For a time, horses were sold at this enclosure: "The placing of Carman Cattle Fair at the now vanished Carman House on Carman Muir (just below the Carman Road) instead of the summit of Carman Hill is a common mistake. After the cattle fair ceased in the last decade of the nineteenth century, the selling of horses continued on Carman Muir beside the house for a few more years. It is this latter stage which was passed down as a living recollection almost to my time in the area." [John Mitchell, in letter dated 21/4/2001, amongst the cuttings held on file at Dumbarton Library].
However, see also Link(PDF), at the Vale of Leven website; that article is based on first-hand recollections.
A hitherto unreported system of old agricultural boundaries associated with Carman farmstead. Satellite imagery shows traces of furrows within this system. See Link
for an annotated satellite view of the field system.
The farmstead — see Link (in a Geograph article) — was represented in the early twentieth century by Carman House (at c.NS37287858); see Link for the remains of Carman House. See Link for an enclosure where horses used to be sold. That enclosure, which is just to the north of Carman House, is apparently part of the same field system.