NS4583 : Footpath near Wester Cameron
taken 19 years ago, 3 km from Caldarvan, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Footpath near Wester Cameron
This track passes NS4583 : Wester Cameron Farm (that picture shows the same part of the route, viewed in the opposite direction).
In the present photograph, not far ahead, where a gate is visible (close to the tree), the path makes a turn to the right, as shown in NS4583 : Track to Cameron Muir, where the same tree is visible. From that corner, the track heads uphill for a distance of 200 metres, after which it turns again to lead in a westerly direction across Cameron Muir.
In the present photograph, not far ahead, where a gate is visible (close to the tree), the path makes a turn to the right, as shown in NS4583 : Track to Cameron Muir, where the same tree is visible. From that corner, the track heads uphill for a distance of 200 metres, after which it turns again to lead in a westerly direction across Cameron Muir.
Track across Cameron Muir :: NS4783
The track begins at Wester Cameron (NS4583), heads east across open moorland, and ends at the point where it meets the main road at Finnich Toll (NS4984). It forms part of walk number 5 in "The Campsie Fells & Kilpatrick Hills – a map/guide to eight easy to follow walks", which mentions that cattle drovers "used the track over Cameron Muir on their way to the market, or tryst, at Falkirk" in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.