Grid reference TR0124
near to Old Romney, Kent, England
Explore gridsquare TR0124
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Looker’s Hut
Lookers were employed to look after a farmer’s stock and these huts provided basic accommodation, which was used at lambing time. The huts had an open fire, on the hearth, over which a kettle or cauldron was hung, on a pot-hook, to provide... (more)
Coldharbour Lane
Taken from a train passing over the level crossing
White Kemp Sewer
North of Coldharbour Bridge.
Dungeness Branch Line towards Appledore
Approaching Coldharbour Farm, Washington Lane
White Kemp Sewer viewed from Coldharbour Bridge
Rainclouds over Romney Marsh
At the junction of Coldharbour Lane and Beggarsbush Lane.
Give Way Railway Crossing
On Coldharbour Lane. The road crosses the short branch line from Appledore to Lydd and Dungeness.
Coldharbour Lane from passing train
The train shadow at the bottom of the picture was a UK Railtours charter titled " The Return of the Short Haired Bumblebee" running along the branch to Dungeness.
Railway north of Coldharbour Crossing
The infrequently used Dungeness branch.
Looking west-northwest along Beggarsbush Lane
A pale bluish line, to the right of the lane, is part of Sycamore Farm’s solar farm. Planning permission has been approved, with conditions, by Folkestone and Hythe District Council under application number Y15/1042/SH for an “application... (more)
Dungeness Branch line towards Dungeness