Grid reference TQ2786
near to Hampstead, Camden, England
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London Skyline from Kenwood, London NW3
In the centre of the image we can see St Paul's Cathedral with the Shard in the background.
Fitzroy Park, Highgate
This is a private road and recently been gated at the top end to stop people using it to drive to Highgate Village
Highgate Bathing Pond
Walkers Beside Highgate Ponds
Hampstead Heath and Parliament Hill are popular venues for local people to exercise themselves and their pets. Despite the threat of showers on this Sunday in March there were many people present ranging from cyclists and joggers, through... (more)
View from Parliament Hill
Looking east-northeast from an altitude of around 80 metres.
Ken Wood
Stretching on Parliament Hill
Looking east from Parliament Hill
Parliament Hill, London
View over central London from Parliament Hill in Hampstead Heath, North London, the highest point around London.
Men's bathing pond, Hampstead Heath
During the warm summer months, the Men's Bathing Pond is used for swimming - but only by men and boys (there is another pond for women and girls to swim in).
This image was taken early in March, when the pond was closed.
Mixed Bathing Pond, Hampstead Heath
This pond is the uppermost of the three Hampstead Ponds at the southern end of Hampstead Heath, created in the 18th century by damming Hampstead Brook, a tributary of the River Fleet, to supply London with water. Mixed bathing is allowed... (more)
Hampstead Heath
In the distance, the white spire of St Anne's church on Highgate Road.