near to Brighton City Airport, West Sussex, England
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330 images
in grid square TQ2005
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Cyclepath at Old Shoreham (Junction with Toll Bridge)
by Andy Horton
It shows the remains of the old railway track where the level crossing was
Upper Shoreham Road
by Ian Capper
Terrace on Upper Shoreham Road, first shown on the 1933 25" map.
Railway bridge over the River Adur
by Ian Hawfinch
Shoreham Airport |
Memorial on Shoreham Tollbridge
Currently being used as a memorial for the eleven people killed in the Shoreham Airshow Crash.
Aircraft at Shoreham, 1986
This was a civilianised De Havilland Sea Devon, freshly retired from the Royal Navy, and pictured at Shoreham in September 1986.
Perimeter Road, Shoreham Airport
by N Chadwick
Lancing College can also be seen on the hill top.
Terminal Building, Shoreham Airport
by Simon Carey
Built in 1936 and still in use today. A cafe/restaurant is located in western part of the downstairs building along with outdoor seating for those with a penchant for plane spotting.
The Red Lion, Shoreham |
Steps to gallery, Shoreham Airport
This excellent art-deco building has some striking features and some others which are more subtle, like this stairway.
The Toll Bridge Shoreham, Sussex
by Ron Strutt
Until 1970 this bridge used to carry all the A27 south coast traffic!
Shoreham Airport
by Chris Shaw
Looking S towards terminal bldgs. Now also called Brighton & Hove City Airport its claim to fame is being the oldest operational public airport.
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