Grid reference TQ1906
near to Brighton City Airport, West Sussex, England
Explore gridsquare TQ1906
Surrounding area
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Surveying for amphibians in Ladywell Stream
This is a chalk stream lying to the north of Lancing College.
Looking south on Hoe Court and beware of children
Hoe Court is a public footpath.
Lancing College - East frontage
A view along the final section of the drive to Lancing College. The chapel is off to the right. The fine Victorian Gothic building ahead to the right is the hall, which was designed by R C Carpenter's son, R R Carpenter, and built... (more)
Lancing College Chapel from Shoreham Airport
Hoe Court Cottages and Lancing College
Most of the land around here is owned by Lancing College, and they let everybody know it.
A27, eastbound
Disused Chalk Pit near Lancing College
Next to the bridleway that links the Sussex Pad with Lancing Ring. Like much of the land here it is owned by Lancing College.
Altar and reredos, Lancing College Chapel
Lancing College Grounds
Viewed looking towards Shoreham. Note the chimneys of the power station and gas works to the left, on the horizon.
Lancing College Chapel, Sussex - artwork (4)
Sussex Pad Hotel in 1941
Under high magnification of the original image, the nameplate below the three windows (beneath the chimney) only bears the word ‘HOTEL’ and likewise above the large window on the left of the ground floor. It was common in WWII to remove... (more)
Lancing College Chapel, Sussex - Chapel