Grid reference TQ9433
near to Woodchurch, Kent, England
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Appledore Road joins the B2067
Just after this junction the B2067 enters Woodchurch.
Stonebridge Inn, Woodchurch
Stonebridge Inn, Woodchurch taken in the 1950's.
Publicans at the time Frank (Stan) & Annie Pridmore
Woodchurch House (set of 2 images)
Hornbrook Farmhouse
As seen from a footpath passing through the farm towards Sillcock's Wood.
Farmland by footpath
Cottages, Brattle
A curious little estate, not least the name. Most of the houses are to a standard council- or estate-type design, of no great age, but this side of the triangular green has quite old cottages.
Stonebridge Oast, Brook Street, Woodchurch, Kent
Crop Field near Brattle, Woodchurch
Stonebridge Inn Woodchurch Kent
Photograph taken 27 October 2009 by Alison Hammond of Stonebridge Oast
Stonebridge Inn, Woodchurch
This was built as a road-house on the B2067 in the 1930s. It is a twin pub with the rebuilt Duke's Head in Hamstreet (see picture for TR0033). Plans have been submitted several times to turn this into a residential home (2005) as... (more)
Stonebridge Inn
Interior photograph of Stonebridge Inn Bar in the 1950's
Publicans Frank (Stan) & Annie Pridmore serving behind the bar.
Farm buildings