near to Queenborough, Kent, England
We have
61 images
in grid square TQ9071
A sample of 12 photos from 61
for TQ9071
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Railway to Queenborough
This single track railway runs from Rushenden Pier to the Queenborough Sidings.
The water on the left is the Swale which separates the Isle of Sheppey from mainland Kent.
Rushenden Road, Rushenden |
Rushenden Hill
by Penny Mayes
From Queenborough jetty.
Welcome to Rushenden
This cheerful sign is possibly the most attractive feature of this grid square.
The Gateway, Rushenden Road
by John Baker
I was surprised to see that the main door of the building was firmly padlocked until I read that on 2 December 2013, it was reported on the kentonline website that the building was due to be demolished in August 2014 to make way for up to... (more)
Terrace at Rushenden
by Marathon
This terrace dates from just before the First World War, judging by the date on the end house. This is at the western end of Rushenden and The Swale is just behind. Rushenden is a rather strange place, separated from Queenborough by... (more)
Hillside Avenue, Rushenden |
The railway to Rushenden Pier
by John Baker
Running past the terrace of houses in Alsager Avenue and beside Loading Hope Reach. It looked very doubtful that the railway was in use as the track was very buckled ahead.
Track repairs
This photograph shows the evidence that the railway to Rushenden Pier is in use - new sleepers have recently been laid. In the background are barges moored near the pier, and the pier jetty and cranes. In the distant background are the... (more)
Entrance to Queenborough Harbour
As seen from footpath on a sea wall on the Swale Strait. Harbour safe shelter for many fishing boats.
Looking south-southeast from Rushenden Hill
by John Baker
Over a children's play area towards the Kingsferry Bridge with The Swale, just visible, flowing towards it.
First Avenue, Rushenden (set of 2 images) |
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