near to Burwash, East Sussex, England
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283 images
in grid square TQ6724
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taken pre 2000 [1]
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Ham Farm Oast, Ham Lane, Burwash, East Sussex
Single round kiln oast house, missing cowl.
Mount House
by N Chadwick
Grade II listed. Link
St Bartholomew, Burwash: lectern
by Basher Eyre
Burwash Post Office |
The A265 at Burwash |
Bean Field
by Simon Carey
The name of the field according to Burwash's 1839 tithe map located on the western side of Burwash 14c Public Footpath.
Spring Lane
by N Chadwick
New Garage at Dawes Barn |
The Bear Inn, Burwash |
Upper Hams
by Simon Carey
The name of the field according to Burwash's 1839 tithe map that is located to the south of the public footpath that links the High Street to Bateman's Lane.
The statue of Rudyard Kipling at Burwash
by Marathon
Rudyard Kipling lived nearby at Bateman's from 1902 until his death in 1936. The house is now owned by the National Trust - see Link
A row of cottages
by Richard Dear
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