Grid reference TQ4392
near to Grange Hill, Essex, England
Explore gridsquare TQ4392
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Luxborough Lane
Shown as a bridleway on the map, yet a quite busy road, not too pleasant to walk down, with much traffic to the local tip and several sports establishments.
House on Manor Road, Chigwell
If Surrey has the stockbroker belt Chigwell has the footballer belt.
Beware of golfers on Chigwell Golf Course
Fearsome things, golfers, likely to attack with a three wood at any moment. Footpaths crossing golf fairways are not uncommon but walkers are usually advised to beware of golf balls. Quite often a bell is provided to warn the golfers not to... (more)
Chigwell villas
Chigwell is very much 'Footballers Wives' country with flamboyant modern mansions surrounded by security fences. Some pleasanter areas survive though, such as these houses in Forest Lane.
Luxborough Lane (set of 2 images)
High Road, Chigwell
High Road, Chigwell
High Road, Chigwell, forms part of the A113.
Winter trees in Luxborough Lane
Chigwell Park
Chigwell Park is a post-war housing estate probably developed because of its proximity to TQ4393 : Chigwell Underground station. This island of trees in the middle of the road is near the entrance to the estate on Chigwell Park Drive.
Manor Road, Chigwell
A misty Manor Road
To say the houses on the south side of Manor Road between Bracken Drive and Forest Road are opulent would be an understatement - see Link This was a freezing day where the early fog would eventually... ( more)
Footpath off High Rd